Issue - decisions

Application for Grant in Aid Funding for Kirkland Flood Defence Embankment

20/12/2018 - Application for Grant in Aid Funding for Kirkland Flood Defence Embankment

The Service Director People and Places submitted a report seeking retrospective approval to the Environment Agency (EA) Grant in Aid (GiA) funding for a flood embankment at Kirkland Bridge (the scheme) and for this scheme to be added to the 2018/19 Capital Programme.


Decision taken


The portfolio holder gave retrospective approval to the application for GiA funding for the flood defence works and agreed that the scheme be added to the 2018/19 Capital Programme.


Due to the innovative nature of EA working directly with community groups but there being no mechanism in place for EA to pay grant funds directly to non-flood risk authorities, the grant had to be paid directly to the council who will be the accountable body for the grant and payments will be paid directly to Kirkland Parish Council, as part of Churchtown Flood Action Group on completion of works and production of appropriate invoices.