Agenda item

Application A - Land West Of Garstang Road Barton Preston (20/00907/FULMAJ)

Erection of 39 no. dwellings with car parking, landscaping

and all other associated works.




The application was brought to the committee for determination for a second time, having been deferred at the Planning Committee meeting on 01 December 2021. The application before members did not include any revised plans based on concerns raised by members at the previous meeting, and therefore according to 5.06/15 of the Constitution, there would be no further opportunities for the public or non-committee members to speak.


A site visit took place on the 01 December 2021 when the application first came to committee.


The Planning Development Manager explained to the committee that there had been no further updates on the drainage issue which had been raised at the previous meeting and that United Utilities still objected and would still be allowed to refuse the diversion proposed by the developer.

She also explained to members that after discussions with the applicant on the issue of an on-site play area, the applicant told officers that they would not be able to make an off-site contribution as well as providing an onsite play area, due to viability reasons. This had not been disputed by officers.

Officers had received a plan for an on-site play area, but had decided that if an off-site contribution could not be given then they could not support the application, as per the policy recommendations. The applicant, based on this, withdrew the revised plan including the on-site play area and the plan in front of members was the same plan submitted at the previous meeting, with no on-site play area but with an offsite contribution.


The Chair asked for clarification on the withdrawn plans for an on-site area. The Head of Planning Services explained to members that based on the size of the development, the proposed size of an on-site play area would be designated a Local Area of Play (LAP), for children between the ages of 4-6. The equipment would thus be restricted and small, and the expense would roughly be the same as the off-site contribution. He also responded to questions regarding green infrastructure guidance and explain to members that the Council’s policy did not require formal play areas within sites; if these play areas could not be provided for on site, then it would be better to have a financial contribution offered to an off-site area that might benefit from it. He did however note to members that if they were considering a refusal of the application, the applicant was happy to supply the on-site play area included in the withdrawn plans, which would be subject to approval via a condition, but were adamant they could not do both.


Members raised frustrations on the issue of the play area as well as the distance between the site and play areas within the surrounding area, which was noted as being longer than the recommended distance. Members asked whether any monies left after providing the on-site play area could be given to the off-site area.


Following discussion, it was proposed by Councillor Orme and seconded by the Chairman, Councillor Moon, that the application be approved, with an amendment to officer recommendations as follows.

To grant full planning permission, subject to conditions, with an additional condition to secure an on-site children’s play area (LAP), and a section 106 agreement to secure financial contributions towards health care, education, sustainable transport, green infrastructure (should there be any money left over after delivering the on-site LAP up to £34,986), and on-site affordable housing (30%). That the Head of Planning Services be authorised to issue the decision following the satisfactory completion of the S106 agreement.


Additional condition to read as follows:


28 Prior to first occupation of any dwelling, details of an on-site Local Area for Play (LAP) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, which shall include how this is to be laid out, the design / appearance of play equipment including materials, surfacing and enclosure(s) of the LAP area and any other associated equipment including benches and waste bins and management details. The LAP shall be provided in accordance with the approved details and made available for use by residents of the site prior to the first occupation of the 20th dwelling on the site, unless an alternative schedule of implementation of the play area is first submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The play area shall thereafter be retained and maintained for the lifetime of the development in accordance with the approved management details.


Reason: To ensure adequate provision and delivery of public open space in accordance with Policies SP8 and HP9 of the Wyre Local Plan (2011-31) and the National Planning Policy Framework. 


Supporting documents: