Agenda item

Application No: 16/00241/OULMAJ - Land to the West of the A6 (Preston/Lancaster New Road) Bounded by Nateby Crossing Lane & Croston Barn Lane, Nateby, Garstang

Outline planning permission for the erection of up to 269 dwellings, up to 5,532sqm of Class B1a offices, up to 3,957sqm of Class B1c light industrial floor space, up to 495sqm (gross) Class A1 convenience store, up to 300sqm (gross) Class A3 Coffee shop with associated landscaped open spaces and pedestrian/cycle link to Garstang with access taken from the A6 and Nateby Crossing Lane including the construction of a new roundabout and reconfiguration of the A6 (resubmission 14/00458/OULMAJ).

This application has been brought back to the committee to enable it to consider a proposal to amend the wording of the affordable housing condition, prior to a decision being issued.


Item 8 (a) – Land to the West of the A6 (Preston/Lancaster New Road) Bounded by Nateby Crossing Lane & Croston Barn Lane, Nateby, Garstang, Lancashire





J Chippendale Ltd.   Outline planning permission for the erection of up to 269 dwellings, up to 5,532sqm of Class B1a offices, up to 3,957sqm of Class B1c light industrial floor space, up to 495sqm (gross) Class A1 convenience store, up to 300sqm (gross) Class A3 Coffee shop with associated landscaped open spaces and pedestrian/cycle link to Garstang with access taken from the A6 and Nateby Crossing Lane including the construction of a new roundabout and reconfiguration of the A6 (resubmission 14/00458/OULMAJ) -

Land To The West Of The A6 (Preston/Lancaster New Road) Bounded By Nateby Crossing Lane & Croston Barn Lane Nateby Garstang  PR3 1DY.


This application was brought back to the Committee for consideration with a proposed recommended amendment to the wording of the affordable housing condition. The Committee was informed that there has been no material change in the relevant planning considerations since the application was previously considered.


The application was approved as per the recommendation in the report of the Head of Planning Services; that outline planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions, reasons and notes and a S106 legal agreement to secure appropriate financial contributions towards local education, sustainable travel and highway improvement works:


Conditions and Reasons:-


1.  a)   In the case of any reserved matter, namely appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of the buildings, application for approval must be made not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date of the grant of outline planning permission;


(b)       the development to which the permission relates must be begun not later than the expiration of two years from the final approval of the reserved matters or, in the case of approval on different dates, the final approval of the last matter to be approved.


Reason: This condition is required to be imposed pursuant to Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


2.  Development shall not begin until a phasing programme for the whole of the application site and a delivery mechanism for all highways and access works (including the decommissioning of and works to that part of the application site currently occupied by the A6 and the connection link between the development and the public open space on the eastern side of the A6), have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved phasing programme(s) and delivery mechanism(s) unless an alternative programme has otherwise been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: To define the permission and in the interests of the proper development of the site.


3.  (a) The total number of residential units to be provided on the site shall not exceed 269.


(b)       the total amount of employment floor space to be provided on the site shall not exceed 9,489sq m (gross). No more than 5,532sqm of the employment floor space hereby approved shall be for use within class B1(a) of the Town and Country (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended). No less than 2.6ha of employment land shall be provided within the site for use within class B1 of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended).


(c)        the total amount of floor space for use within classes A1 and A3 of the Town and Country (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended) shall not exceed 795sq m (gross) with the total floor space for use within class A1 not exceeding 495sq m (gross). 


Reason: In the interests of highway safety and capacity and to safeguard the vitality and viability of Garstang Town Centre in accordance with Policy SP14 of the Wyre Borough Local Plan (1999) and the provisions of the NPPF.


4.  Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) no change Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) no change of use of the class A3 floor space hereby approved to retail floor space within Use Class A1 of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended) shall take place without the express permission of the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: In order to maintain a mix of uses on the site and to safeguard the vitality and viability of Garstang Town centre in accordance with the provisions of the NPPF.


5.  Prior to commencement of any phase of the development incorporating dwellings, a scheme for the provision of affordable housing for that phase of the development shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The affordable housing shall be provided and retained in accordance with the approved scheme and shall meet the definition of affordable housing in Annex 2 of the National Planning Policy Framework or any future guidance that replaces it. The scheme shall include:


i.          the numbers, type, tenure and location on the site of the affordable housing provision to be made which shall consist of not less than 30% of the total number of dwellings permitted unless it is demonstrated that the development would not be viable other than with a reduced level of affordable housing provision. Such demonstration must include the submission of an ‘open book’ financial appraisal of the proposed development, indicating the full range of costs to be incurred by the development including the initial purchase of the land, the financial return expected to be realised, and the expected profit level to be assessed and agreed by the Local Planning Authority prior to the agreement of the layout as a reserved matter

ii.         the timing of the construction of the affordable housing and its phasing in relation to the occupancy of the market housing;

iii.        the arrangements for the transfer of the affordable housing to an affordable housing provider, or alternative arrangements for the future management of the affordable housing

iv.        arrangements to ensure that the affordable housing is affordable not only for the first occupiers but also for  subsequent occupiers; and

iv.        the occupancy criteria to be used for determining the identity of occupiers of the affordable housing and the means by which such occupancy criteria will be enforced.


Reason: To ensure the adequate provision and delivery of affordable housing in accordance with the provisions of the NPPF.


6.  The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the approved Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) (ref. L29212/01/DS/CJS Issue 2A dated May 2014) and the mitigation measures detailed therein. The mitigation measures capable of being implemented prior to first occupation shall be fully implemented prior to occupation and any other mitigation measures implemented subsequently in accordance with the timing/phasing arrangements embodied within the scheme, or within any other period as may be agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: To prevent flooding by ensuring the satisfactory storage and disposal of surface water from the site in accordance with Policy ENV15 of the Wyre Borough Local Plan (1999) and the provisions of the NPPF.


7.  (a) Prior to the commencement of each phase of the development, the design of a scheme for the drainage of foul and surface water from that phase, based on sustainable drainage principles so far as is possible subject to ground conditions, the results of the investigation required under part (d) and an assessment of the hydrological and hydrogeological context of the development shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


(b)       This scheme shall include;


i.          information about the design storm period and density (1 in 30 and 1 in 100 year + 30% allowance for climate change)

ii.         discharge rates and volumes (both pre and post development and including any discharge through culvert no. 37 under the Lancaster Canal)

iii.        temporary storage facilities

iv.        means of access for maintenance

v.         the methods employed to delay and control surface water discharged from the site

vi.        the measures taken to prevent flooding and pollution of receiving  surface waters, including watercourses and surface water sewers

vii.       details of floor levels in AOD

viii.      a quantitative and qualitative risk assessment and mitigation strategy with respect to groundwater protection to manage the risk of pollution to public water supply and the water environment.  The risk assessment should be based on the source-pathway-receptor methodology.  It shall identify all possible contaminant sources and pathways for the life of the development and provide details of measures required to mitigate any risks to groundwater and public water supply during all phases of the development.  The mitigation measures shall include the highest specification design for the new foul and surface water sewerage system (pipework, trenches, manholes, pumping stations and attenuation features);  

ix.        details of any off-site works required to ensure adequate discharge of surface water without causing flooding or pollution (which should include refurbishment of existing culverts where relevant);

x.         floodwater exceedance routes both on and off site;

xi.        a timetable for implementation;

xii.       a management and maintenance plan for the lifetime of the development which, as a minimum, shall include arrangements for adoption by an appropriate public body or statutory undertaker; management and maintenance by a Residents Management Company; arrangements of appropriate funding mechanisms for on-going maintenance of the scheme; and details of an inspection programme to assess performance, asset condition, operation costs, and any necessary maintenance and/or remedial works.


(c)        The scheme shall demonstrate that surface water run off for the entire site once developed would not exceed run-off from the undeveloped site for the corresponding rainfall event. 


(d)       Evidence of an assessment of the site conditions to include site investigation and test results to confirm infiltration rates;


(e)       Details of water quality controls and appropriate mitigation measures to prevent pollution of ground or surface waters including the Lancaster Canal;


(f)        No surface water, highway drainage or land drainage shall discharge to the public combined sewerage system or via an infiltration system unless agreed by United Utilities.


(g)       The approved drainage scheme for each phase shall then be implemented in full accordance with the approved details, including the agreed timetable for implementation.


Reason: To ensure a satisfactory form of development, to manage flood risk, to prevent pollution from foul and surface water and to protect drinking water supplies in accordance with Policy ENV15 of the Wyre Borough Local Plan (1999) and the provisions of the NPPF.


8.  No development of any phase shall take place until a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP), for the construction and operation of that phase of development, is submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority.  The plan shall detail:


i.          how biodiversity would be protected throughout the construction period

ii.         the potential impacts from all construction activities on both groundwater, public water supply and surface water and identify the appropriate mitigation measures necessary to protect and prevent pollution of these waters

iii.        the parking of vehicles of site operatives and visitors;

iv.        loading and unloading of plant and materials;

v.         storage of plant and materials used in constructing the development;

vi.        the erection and maintenance of security hoarding including decorative displays and facilities for public viewing, where appropriate;

vii.       wheel washing facilities to be retained throughout the construction period by which means the wheels of vehicles may be cleaned before leaving the site;

viii.      a scheme for recycling/disposing of waste resulting from construction work (there shall be no burning on site);

ix.        a Management Plan to identify potential ground and water contaminants;

x.         details for their storage and how water courses will be protected against spillage incidents and pollution during the course of construction;

xi.        a scheme to control noise during the construction phase,

xii.  a Construction Phase Dust Action Plan that has regard to current best practice provides detail of both the dust mitigation measures to be employed to minimise fugitive dust impacts on localised receptors, and the procedures to be adopted in response to complaints of fugitive dust emissions. 

xiii.      the routing of construction vehicles and deliveries to site including the direction of construction traffic away from Cathouse Bridge (bridge no. 64) over the Lancaster Canal in order to minimise risk of damage to this bridge during construction.


The development shall then proceed in full accordance with this approved plan.


Reason: In order to safeguard the biodiversity of the site, protect the water environment and public drinking water supplies, and to maintain the operation and safety of the local highway network, during site preparation and construction, in accordance with Policy ENV17 of the Wyre Borough Local Plan and the provisions of the NPPF.


9.  (a)  No trees shall be felled or vegetation cleared during the bird breeding season (March to July inclusive) unless a report, undertaken by a suitably qualified person, has been submitted in writing to the local planning authority, demonstrating that nesting / breeding birds have been shown to be absent.


(b)       No trees shall be felled or vegetation cleared during the main bat activity season (May to August inclusive) unless a report, undertaken by a suitably qualified person, has been submitted in writing to the local planning authority, demonstrating that roosting bats have been shown to be absent.


(c)        Any trees to be felled shall be soft-felled whereby tree limbs are cut and left grounded over-night to allow any bats to make their way out.


Reason: In order to safeguard the biodiversity of the site in accordance with the provisions of the NPPF.


10.  (a) Prior to the commencement of development, a method statement shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Authority giving full details of how any possible harm to great crested newts would be avoided during the course of development. This approved method statement should be implemented in full.


(b)       No groundworks, vegetation clearance, levelling or drainage of the site, or trapping, exclusion or translocation of amphibians should commence until the Local Authority has acknowledged in writing receipt of either:


(i)         a licence issued by Natural England pursuant to Regulation 53 of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 authorising the specified activity to go ahead; or

(ii)        a statement from the relevant licensing body to the effect that it does not consider that the specified activity would require a licence.


Reason: In order to safeguard biodiversity in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 17 and section 11 of the NPPF.


11.  Prior to the commencement of each phase of the development, a Landscape and Habitat Creation and Management Plan for that phase shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and this approved plan shall be delivered in accordance with a timetable to be included therein and shall thereafter be retained and managed in accordance with the details of the approved scheme. The plan shall include species rich hedgerow planting; bolstering of existing hedgerows; the creation of ponds; and the provision of bat bricks or tubes, bat and bird boxes, and native tree and shrub planting. The scheme shall also include details of planting along the existing railway line that would support foraging bats.  


Reason: In order to safeguard and enhance the biodiversity of the site in accordance with the provisions of section 11 of the NPPF.


12.  Prior to the commencement of development, a method statement for the protection of trees and hedgerows during construction shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Development shall then proceed in full accordance with this approved statement. The method statement shall identify the trees and hedgerows to be retained and shall be in accordance with the guidelines set out under BS 5837:2012 'Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction'.


Reason: In order to safeguard existing trees and hedgerows on site in the interests of maintaining and enhancing biodiversity in accordance with section 11 of the NPPF.


13.  No development shall be commenced until:


(a)       A revised conceptual site model and risk assessment in respect of potential land contamination has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, including (where necessary), detailed proposals for further site investigation work.

(b)       Any necessary site investigation works in relation to potential land contamination have been undertaken in full, strictly in accordance with the approved methodology, and a risk assessment of the findings submitted for approval by the Local Planning Authority, together (where appropriate) with a detailed remediation scheme

(c)        Remediation of any potential land contamination of the site has been undertaken strictly in accordance with the remediation strategy and a validation report has been submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval in writing, confirming full implementation of the approved remediation scheme.


Any changes to the approved elements require the express consent of the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: In order to prevent harm to human health or the environment from land contamination.


14.  The development shall incorporate suitable gas protection measures, details of which for each phase of the development shall be submitted to and be subject to the written approval of the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of that phase of development, unless shown not to be required as detailed below. The measures shall include, as a minimum: ventilation of confined spaces within the building, a well-constructed ground slab, a low permeability gas membrane, minimum penetration (ideally none) of the ground slab by services, and passive ventilation to the underside of the building.


Alternatively, prior to the commencement of each phase of the development, a gas monitoring programme and risk assessment of the results shall be undertaken to demonstrate that the above protection measures for that phase are not required. Any gas monitoring must be carried out over a period of at least three months and include at least three readings where the atmospheric pressure is below 1000mb. Gas flow rates must also be provided.  Results shall be submitted for approval in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: In order to ensure that the development would be suitably protected against potential gas ingress in order to safeguard the environment and human health.



(A)       The residential development hereby permitted shall be designed so that cumulative noise (from industrial, commercial and transportation sources) does not exceed:


o          LAeq 50-55 dB 16 hours - gardens and outside living areas, daytime (07.00-23.00)

o          LAeq 35 dB 16 hours - indoors, daytime (07.00-23.00)

o          LAeq 30 dB 8 hours - indoors, night-time (23.00-07.00)

o          LAFmax 45 dB( 8 hours - indoors night-time (23.00-07.00)

o          LAFmax 45 dB 4 hours - indoors evening (19.00-23.00)*


(B)       The Noise Rating Levels for cumulative noise from all plant, machinery and vehicles used in connection with the industrial and commercial uses of the development shall not exceed the background noise level (LA90) at the external façade of each of the proposed dwellings, as assessed in accordance with British Standard 4142 (2014). Alternative levels and monitoring locations may be used subject to the prior agreement of the Local Planning Authority.


(C)       The Maximum Instantaneous Noise Levels (LAFmax) from all plant, machinery and vehicles used in connection with the industrial and commercial uses of the development shall not exceed 60 dB(A) evening (19.00-23.00hrs)* and night-time (23.00-07.00hrs) at the external façade of each of the proposed dwellings.


Alternative levels and monitoring locations may be used subject to the prior approval of the Local Planning Authority.


o          The evening standard LAFmax will only apply were the evening LAFmax significantly exceeds the LAeq and the maximum levels reached are regular in occurrence, for example several times per hour.


(D)       Where noise mitigation measures are required to ensure compliance with the agreed noise levels e.g. acoustic glazing, noise barrier fencing and ventilation, such mitigation details shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to commencement of development demonstrating how they would mitigate noise to the approved levels together with a timetable for implementation. The approved noise mitigation measures shall be implemented in accordance with the approved timescale and shall thereafter be maintained and retained.


Reason: In order that there is no adverse effect on the health and quality of life of the future occupiers of the proposed dwellings from cumulative noise from the existing and proposed industrial, commercial and traffic sources, to avoid an unacceptable impact on residential amenity by virtue of noise in accordance with Policy SP14 of the Local Plan and the provisions of the NPPF.


16.  Prior to the occupation of each commercial unit, an Odour and Noise Management Plan for any extraction or air conditioning system in that unit shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The height of each kitchen extraction flue should be a minimum of 1m above the eaves, and the fixings used to attach the extraction flue to the wall of the building shall be designed so as to prevent vibration. The kitchen extraction system shall be designed in accordance with the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) document 'Guidance on the Control of Odour and Noise from Commercial Kitchen Exhaust Systems'. All extraction systems shall be installed and thereafter maintained in full accordance with these approved plans.


Reason: In order to protect the residential amenities of nearby neighbours in accordance with Policy SP14 of the Wyre Borough Local Plan (1999) and the provisions of paragraph 17 of the NPPF.


17.  No industrial or commercial unit shall be occupied until a Delivery Strategy for that unit has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. No deliveries (to include waste and recycling collections) shall take place outside of the hours specified by the approved Delivery Strategy.


Reason: In order to avoid an unacceptable impact on residential amenity by virtue of noise and to ensure that highway safety is maintained at all times in accordance with Policy SP14 of the Local Plan and the provisions of the NPPF.


18.  Before any of the commercial elements of the scheme hereby approved are first brought into use, the operating hours of those commercial elements shall first be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the commercial use shall thereafter operate within those approved hours and at no other times.


Reason: In the interests of the amenity of nearby residents in accordance with Policy SP14 of the Wyre Borough Local Plan (1999) and the provisions of paragraphs 17 and 123 of the NPPF.


19.  No amplified recorded or live music shall be played in the outside areas of the commercial and industrial uses at any time.


Reason: In order to avoid an unacceptable impact on residential amenity by virtue of noise in accordance with Policy SP14 of the Local Plan and the provisions of the NPPF.


20.  Prior to the commencement of each phase of the development, an external lighting scheme and Artificial Lighting Assessment for that phase shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Authority. The assessment shall demonstrate that any external artificial lighting to be provided would be installed in accordance with the Institution of Lighting Professionals Guidance Notes for the Reduction of Obtrusive Light GN01:2011 and would not be intrusive to residential premises. Light intrusion into the windows of any residential premises shall not exceed 10 lux between 0700 and 2300 hours and 2 lux between 2300 and 0700 hours. The assessment shall also demonstrate that the orientation and luminosity of the lighting would not be detrimental to biodiversity.


Reason: In order to avoid an unacceptable impact on residential amenity and biodiversity by virtue of light pollution in accordance with Policy SP14 of the Local Plan and the provisions paragraph 17 and section 11 of the NPPF.


21.  No part of the development hereby approved shall commence until a scheme for the construction of all site access and the off-site works of highway improvement have been submitted to, and approved by the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Highway Authority together with a timetable for implementation. The site accesses and off-site highway works shall be constructed in accordance with the approved scheme and implementation programme. The following schemes to be covered by this condition include:


(i)         The Main Site access junction on re-aligned A6 - roundabout (serving both the employment and residential elements) as per agreed layout drawing ref: 1600402b


(ii)        2 No. Site access junctions onto Nateby Crossing Lane as per agreed layout drawing 1600404


(iii)       Interim improvement scheme for A6 Preston Lancaster New Road / Croston Barn Road / Green Lane West / B5272 Cockerham Road / Croston Road Signalised Junction to include upgrade to MOVA and a toucan crossing over A6 south approach as per agreed layout drawing 1600401b


(iv)       Interim improvement scheme for A6 Preston Lancaster New Road / Moss Lane / Longmoor lane Priority junction in-line with wider scheme to include pedestrian footway and dropped kerbs as per agreed layout drawing 1600403b


(v)        Pedestrian Green Link, underpass of A6 (re-aligned), providing high quality connection for sustainable modes (pedestrian/cycle) to Garstang. Scheme details shall include the standard of the link, width and surfacing together with technical information and analysis that includes structural stability of the embankment, construction / structural detail of the proposals including any retaining structure, longevity of the structure, drainage, future maintenance, access for maintenance purposes, liability of the structure, responsibility, ownership and safety of workers has been submitted to, and approval has been granted by LCC as the Highway Authority, with all necessary legal agreements in place to deliver and maintain the proposal. This is required in order to satisfy the Local Planning Authority and the Highway Authority that the final details of the proposed pedestrian/cycle underpass do not affect the future maintenance of the local highway network and are acceptable.  Pedestrian and cycle access via the proposed underpass (old rail line) is to be maintained at all times post opening of the development.


(vi)       Pedestrian footway improvements on A6 (east and west side to Longmoor Lane in the south and Croston Barn Lane in the north) as agreed in layout drawings 1600401b 1600402b and 16000403b.


(vii)      Pedestrian footway improvements and traffic calming and Gateway measures on Nateby Crossing Lane as agreed in layout drawings 1600404 and 1600405a.


(viii)     Public Transport facilities to quality bus standard on Croston Road and on the new link between A6 and Nateby Crossing Lane with details of the stops to Quality Bus Standard to be agreed.


(ix)       Renewal of the carriageway markings at the Nateby Crossing Lane / Croston Barn Lane junction as agreed in layout drawing 1600405a.


Reason:  In order to satisfy the Local Planning Authority and Highway Authority that the final details of the highway scheme/works are acceptable before work commences on site; to enable all construction traffic to enter and leave the site in a safe manner without causing a hazard to other road users and to provide safe access to the site for all users (motorised and non-motorised). 


22.  The Framework Travel Plan prepared by Hy Consulting and referenced 16004 / March 2016 shall be implemented in full in accordance with the timetable within it unless otherwise approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. All elements of the Framework Travel Plan shall continue to be implemented at all times thereafter for as long as any part of the development is occupied or used for a minimum of at least five years.


Reason: In order to ensure appropriate provision exists for safe and convenient access by sustainable transport modes.


23.  The visibility splay identified as that land in front of a line drawn from a point 2.4m measured along the centre line of the proposed road from the continuation of the nearer edge of the carriageway of Nateby Crossing Lane to points measured 120m (for the northerly access) and 90m (for the southerly access) in each direction along the nearer edge of the carriageway of Nateby Crossing Lane, from the centre line of the access, shall be constructed and maintained at footway / verge level in accordance with a scheme to be agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority in conjunction with the Highway Authority prior to commencement of development.  Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 there shall not at any time in connection with the development hereby permitted be erected or planted or allowed to remain upon the land hereinafter defined any building, wall, fence, hedge, tree, shrub or other device exceeding a height not greater than 1 metre above the crown level of the adjacent highway.


Reason: To ensure adequate visibility splays are maintained at all time.


24.  Prior to the commencement of any of the commercial development hereby approved, a fully detailed Parking Management Strategy for that commercial development shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The management of the car parking and cycle parking at the site shall be fully implemented in accordance with the approved strategy, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The Parking Management Strategy will include an assessment and strategy to ensure adequate parking provision is delivered for all proposed site uses for both car parking and cycle parking.


Reason: To ensure that a satisfactory Parking Management Strategy is implemented for the development. This in turn will ensure adequate parking is provided for all uses so that the access to the site is not restricted, resulting in safety and capacity issues.


25.  The car parking provision for each commercial unit as identified in the Parking Management Strategy for that unit shall be surfaced, demarcated and made available for use prior to the that unit being first  occupied unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority. The car parking shall then be available at all times whilst that part of the development is occupied.


Reason: To ensure that there is adequate parking for the development proposed when the buildings are occupied and the site is built out.


26.  No commercial unit shall be occupied until space and facilities for bicycle parking have been provided in accordance with the Parking Management Strategy for that unit. The approved space and facilities shall then be retained and permanently reserved for bicycle parking.


Reason: To ensure that adequate provision is made for bicycle parking so that persons occupying or visiting the development have a range of options in relation to mode of transport.


27. No phase of the development hereby approved shall commence until a pedestrian and cycle signing strategy for that phase has first been submitted to, and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Highway Authority. The scheme shall satisfy the needs of all elements of the site and be constructed in accordance with the approved details in a timescale agreed in line with the phasing set out in condition 3, and thereafter retained.


Reason: In order to satisfy the Local Planning Authority and the Highway Authority that the final details of the pedestrian and cycle network are acceptable before work commences on site. Also, in order to provide users of the development with appropriate access to sustainable transport options.


28.  As part of any reserved matters application where layout is applied for, public open space shall be provided on site in accordance with the requirements of saved Policy H13 of the adopted Wyre Borough Local Plan (1999), or any equivalent policy in an adopted Local Plan that replicates the existing Local Plan, and such area or areas of open space shall be provided and available for use, and shall thereafter be retained and maintained for use by the public in accordance with a scheme which shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the first occupation of any dwelling on the site.


Reason: In order to ensure adequate provision and delivery of public open space in accordance with the provisions of the NPPF and Policy H13 of the Wyre Borough Local Plan (1999).


29.  No part of the development hereby approved shall commence until a scheme for the construction of the internal link road between A6 Preston New Road and Nateby Crossing Lane and other internal access roads, cycleway and footway networks has been first submitted to, and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Highway Authority. The scheme shall satisfy the needs of all elements of the site and be constructed in accordance with the approved details before the development is occupied or in accordance with a phased delivery programme to be agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Highway Authority. 


Reason:  In order to satisfy the Local Planning Authority and the Highway Authority that the final details of the highway scheme/works are acceptable before work commences on site and in order to provide a safe access to the site and ensure that users of the development have appropriate access to sustainable transport options.


Notes: -


1.      The grant of planning permission does not entitle a developer to obstruct a right of way and any proposed stopping-up or diversion of a right of way should be the subject of an Order under the appropriate Act.           


2.      The grant of planning permission will require the applicant to enter into an appropriate Legal Agreement with the County Council as Highway Authority. The Highway Authority hereby reserves the right to provide the highway works within the highway associated with this proposal.  Provision of the highway works includes design, procurement of the work by contract and supervision of the works.  The applicant should be advised to contact the County Council at County Hall, Preston PR1 0LD, in the first instance, to ascertain the details of such an agreement and the information to be provided.


3.  Traffic Regulation Orders, diversions of Public Rights of Way, Stopping Up of existing highway, changes to public transport scheduling/routing and other activities require separate statutory consultation processes beyond the planning application process. The applicant will be obliged to meet all the costs associated with these of works and ensure that any works which rely upon them do not commence until all legal processes have been satisfactorily completed.

Supporting documents: