Agenda item

Tourism Recovery in Wyre task group final report

Report of the Chairman of the Tourism Recovery in Wyre Task Group and Corporate Director Communities.


The Chairman of the Tourism Recovery in Wyre Task Group and Corporate Director Communities submitted a report to Cabinet detailing the work of the Tourism Recovery in Wyre Task Group.




Cabinet agreed the following recommendations (numbered as per the report)


3.1 That the council concentrates on the promotion of Wyre as a tourist destination.


A new communications plan was being prepared and it would include a campaign focused on the visitor economy which we recognised as being more important than ever as part of Covid-19 recovery.


Utilising Welcome Back Funding, a promotional video and photography had been commissioned to showcase what Wyre has to offer as a destination and some outdoor theatre had been organised during the forthcoming half term at Poulton and Garstang.


3.2 That the Discover Wyre website be brought in-house.


The team have already given notice to New Mind, the current provider of the Discover Wyre website and a new website was under development using Jadu, the same system used for the Council website. This would provide greater ownership of the layout and content of the website and the plan was to launch a new Discover Wyre website in April 2022.


3.3 That improvements be made to the Discover Wyre website and for it to concentrate on promoting the individual towns within the borough, ensuring all areas are covered equally.


As part of the new Discover Wyre website, consideration would be given to how to each individual town could be better promoted as part of Wyre’s visitor offer.


3.5 That a digital marketing strategy for the council’s various digital platforms be created, in order to benefit the wider tourism strategy. In addition, report the defined objectives of this strategy back to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (O&S).


As part of the Communications Plan, a Campaigns Plan would be developed for the Visitor Economy Campaign. As part of this plan, there would be a focus on how digital marketing tools such as social media and e-newsletters could be better utilised. Once developed, the Campaigns Plan could be shared with O&S.


3.6 That there is a continued collaborative working relationship between the Tourism, Events and Communication teams.


The council had implemented a structure change on 1 December 2021 and created a new service, Communications and Visitor Economy, bringing together communications, marketing, tourism and events, which was led by Emma Lyons as the new Service Manager.


3.7 That coach industries and businesses be invited back to Wyre to see what coach offer/packages Wyre can offer.


Welcome Back funding had been allocated to work proactively with coach companies to focus on encouraging them to bring more visitors to Wyre. The Tourism Development Officer was leading on this and the first coach group tour had been booked for 12 February.


3.10 To explore options that will enhance the Civic Centre, including the Members Lounge, to make it a more attractive venue for weddings and other events.


A small budget had been allocated to undertake decoration of the Members Lounge and officers had been tasked with producing a business case. The feasibility of this would be considered as part of the Visitor Economy campaigns plan.


3.12 That the implementation of the recommendations agreed by Cabinet be reviewed by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee after 12 months.


A report would be prepared for O&S in 12 months’ time to provide an update.


Cabinet did not agree the following Task Group recommendations (also numbered as per the report) for the reasons stated below


3.4 To support the continuation of advertising local businesses on the Discover Wyre website and consider the feasibility of introducing an appropriate nominal fee (per annum) for businesses where they will receive more promotion.


Past experience indicated that this was not cost effective, given the low level of income achievable, once officer time was factored in. Also, as web sites such as TripAdvisor now dominated the market, consumers now saw them as the go-to source of information rather than a council / destination website. The Leisure, Health and Community Engagement Portfolio Holder said that this option would however be reconsidered once the new website was in operation and the digital marketing strategy had been developed, in the event that circumstances changed.


3.8 That the Garstang and Fleetwood Information Centres continue to be supported, especially as we emerge out of Covid-19 lockdowns.


Whilst there was support for tourist information centres / points, Cabinet considered that they were only one way in which the council was supporting the visitor economy. Councillor Bowen said that Cabinet would remain open minded about how visitors accessed information about the borough and would continue to explore opportunities to adapt and meet changing demand.


3.9 That the TV screens at the Garstang Information Centre and Fleetwood Information Centre (Marine Hall) be fixed.


This issue had already been reported to ICT.


3.11 To explore the possibility of holding large outdoor-ticketed events to be held in areas such as Marine Hall Gardens, for example.


The Leisure, Health and Community Engagement Portfolio Holder said that the feasibility would be considered as part of the Visitor Economy Campaign’s plan.


3.13 That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee consider a further focused review of the theatres (Thornton Little Theatre and Marine Hall) and other council run facilities, with the aim to explore the feasibility of a different business model to help them run on a more commercial basis.


Cabinet declined to support this, as this was for O&S to determine as part of their work programme planning and to be scoped if deemed appropriate.





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