Agenda item

Application A - Land South Of Prospect Farm West Of A6 Garstang (20/00212/FULMAJ)

Erection of 70 dwelling houses and associated infrastructure with new access off A6 Preston Lancaster New Road.


This application was before the Committee for determination for a second time after being deferred at the 7 April 2021 Planning Committee meeting. The Committee deferred the application to encourage further consideration of highway safety impacts and mitigation measures, to be discussed between the applicant and Lancashire County Highways, with specific reference to crossing the A6 opposite the site in particular the type and location of the crossing and the potential use of guard railings.


As the Committee had visited the site previously a site visit did not take place on this occasion. Nevertheless, site photos and plans were displayed by the Development Manager to familiarise members of the site and its surroundings.


An update sheet with additional information was published on the council’s website, this information only having become available after the original agenda was published. The committee considered the update sheet, which contained updated information about the access to the site and a revised Highway Works Plan, therefore, conditions 2 and 7 had been amended.


Alexis De Pol, the agent of the applicant, spoke in support.


Mark Edwards, the applicant’s highways consultant, addressed members in support of the application.


Councillor Stirzaker joined the meeting during the discussions of item 5A, therefore, she was unable to vote.


Members of the committee raised a number of concerns over the visibility of the pedestrian refuge and the speed limit of this particular section of the A6, in particular members expressed the need for Lancashire County Council Highways to reduce the speed limit to 40 mph.


It was proposed by Councillor Ballard and seconded by Councillor I Amos, and a decision was taken that the application be approved, in accordance with the recommendation, under the provisions of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, subject to the following conditions and the changes to conditions 2 and 7 as reported on the update sheet and a S106 legal agreement to secure on-site affordable housing (30%) and green infrastructure and financial contributions towards the A6 Highway Strategy and health care. That the Head of Planning Services be authorised to issue the decision following the satisfactory completion of the S106 agreement. It was also agreed that the Head of Planning Services would write to the local highway authority to ask them to consider the following matters concerning the development:


1. the use of natural stones/rocks instead of concrete for the disruptive paving.

2. the use of taller lighting infrastructure on the pedestrian refuge island similar to that used nearby.

3. the reduction in the speed limit along that stretch of the A6 to 40mph.




1.  The development must be begun before the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this permission.


Reason: This condition is required to be imposed pursuant to Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


2. The development shall be carried out, except where modified by the conditions to this permission, in accordance with the Planning Application received by the Local Planning Authority on 02.03.2020 including the following plans/documents:



- Planning Layout Drawing No.R104/1 Rev C;

- Planning Layout Coloured Drawing No.R104/1 Rev C;

- External Surfaces Layout Drawing R104/4 Rev B;

- Swept Path Analysis Drawing No.J32-4013-PS-003;

- Preliminary Site Access Drawing No.J32-4013-PS-001;

- Main Drainage Layout Drawing No.ROW05-101 REV S;

- Green Infrastructure Provision Drawing No.R104/1001 Rev B;

- Additional Access Measures Drawing No.J32-4013-PS-004 Rev A;


House Types

- Drg No.HT130-P-116 - Reynold Floor Plans;

- Drg No.HT130-P-117 - Reynold Elevations;

- Drg No.HT164-P-10 - Lowry Elevations;

- Drg No.HT164-P9 - Lowry Floor Plans;

- Drg No.HT174-P-6 - Kingswood Floor Plans;

- Drg No.HT174-P-7 - Kingswood Elevations;

- Drg No.HT138/P/21 - Ashgate II House Type (Elevations - Art Stone Heads & Cills Aff);

- Drg No.HT146/P/117 - Belgrave House Type (with addition side windows);

- Drg No.HT181-182/P/1 Rev A - Bridewell-Bressingham Floor Plans;

- Drg No.HT181-182/P/2 Rev B - Bridewell-Bressingham Elevations;

- Drg No.HT182/P/1 Rev A - Bressingham House Type;

- Drg No.HT166-P-115 - Charleston House Type;

- Drg No.HT105-P-124 - Burlington House Type;

- Drg No.HT107-P-110 Rev C - Marlborough Floor Plans;

- Drg No.HT107-P-115 Rev A - Marlborough Elevations;

- Drg No.HT132-P-114 Rev B - Victoria House Type;

- Drg No.HT146-P-116 Rev B - Belgrave House Type;

- Drg No.HT167-P-4 Rev A - Brantwood II House Type;

- Drg No.HT169-P-205 Rev A Aroncroft House Type

- Drg No.HT180-P-1 - Ramsey Bungalow;

- Drg No.P/SG/1 Rev B - Single Detached Garage.


The development shall be retained hereafter in accordance with this detail.


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and so that the Local Planning Authority shall be satisfied as to the details.


3.  No development above ground level shall be commenced until details of the materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of that dwelling (including the external walls, roof, and windows) have first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out using the approved materials.


Reason: To safeguard the visual amenities of the locality and in accordance with Policy CDMP3 of the Wyre Local Plan (2011-31). The information submitted with this application was considered to be insufficient in terms of brick variety.


4.  No dwelling hereby approved shall be first occupied until the parking / turning area(s) shown on the approved plan (Planning Layout Drawing No.R104/1 Rev C) as relating to that dwelling has been laid out, surfaced and drained. The parking / turning area(s) shall thereafter be retained and maintained and not used for any purpose other than for the parking and manoeuvring of vehicles without express planning consent from the local planning authority first being obtained.


Reason: To ensure that adequate off road parking is provided and retained to serve the development in the interests of highway safety and in accordance with the provisions of Policy CDMP6 of the Wyre Local Plan (2011-31).


5.  a) Prior to the first occupation of any dwelling, the proposed arrangements for future management and maintenance of the roads/ footways/ cycleways within the development shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority. These details shall include a plan showing areas of highway proposed for adoption by the Local Highway Authority and any areas proposed for private management.


(b) Should the plan required by (a) show that any highway within the estate would be privately managed, details of a Road Management Plan to detail how those sections of highway would be maintained in perpetuity, such as a private management and maintenance company to be established if applicable, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The highway shall thereafter be maintained in accordance with the approved management and maintenance details or until such time as an agreement has been entered into under section 38 of the Highways Act 1980.


(c) Should the plan required by (a) show that any highway within the estate would be proposed for adoption by the Local Highway Authority, those roads/ footways/ cycleways shall be made up to, and retained thereafter to, the Local Highway Authority's Adoptable Standards. 


Reason:  To ensure that all highways, footways and cycleways will be maintained to a sufficient standard by either the Local Highway Authority or by a site management company in accordance with Policy CDMP6 of the Wyre Local Plan (2011-31).


6.  No dwelling shall be first occupied until the 2 metre wide footpath link shown on the approved site layout plan to the front of plot 55 connecting to the A6 has been constructed up to the 2 metre wide footpath running along the site frontage, in surface materials as shown on the approved External Surfaces Layout Drawing R104/4 Rev B.  The footpath link shall thereafter be maintained and remain open and unobstructed at all times, unless its closure is required during the period of construction.


Reasons: In the interests of highway safety and sustainability and in accordance with Policy CDMP6 of the Wyre Local Plan (2011-31).


7. Prior to first occupation of any dwelling hereby approved, the site access and off-site works of highway improvement [namely, assessment and any required changes to street lighting and provision of tactile paving at the site access, a 2m wide footpath to the full frontage of the site along the A6, relocation of existing pedestrian refuse, right turn lanes to serve the new site access and Kepple Lane, assessment and any required changes to the street lighting as part of the off-site works and pedestrian crossing points on the A6 to link the new site access to Kepple Lane, provision of signage and road markings and deterrent paving along the verge as indicated on Additional Access Measures Drawing No.J32-4013-PS-004 Rev A] shall be carried out, unless an alternative timetable for implementation is submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The off-site highway works shall be carried out in accordance with any alternative approved timetable for implementation.


Reason: In order to ensure the timely delivery of the necessary off-site highway works in the interests of highway safety / to encourage sustainable travel in accordance with Policy CDMP6 of the Wyre Local Plan (2011-31).


8.  (a) The new estate road for the development shall be constructed in accordance with the Lancashire County Council Specification for Construction of Estate Roads to at least base course level up to the entrance of the site compound from the highway before any other development takes place within the site.


(b) No dwelling hereby approved shall be first occupied until the new estate road(s) affording access to those dwelling(s) has been constructed in accordance with the Lancashire County Council Specification for Construction of Estate Roads to at least base course level.


(c) In the event that the new estate road is not proposed for adoption by the Local Highway Authority then details of their road construction (surface materials and depth) and highway infrastructure (footways, street lighting, drainage) shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority. No dwelling hereby approved shall be first occupied until the new estate road(s) affording access to that dwelling has been constructed in accordance with the approved details.


Reason: To ensure that satisfactory access is provided to the development site, that the road surfaces are visually acceptable, that the private roads are of sufficiently adequate construction to support any loading applied to them to enable effective waste management and emergency services access, and that the necessary infrastructure is provided in the interests of highway safety in accordance with Policies CDMP3 and CDMP6 of the Wyre Local Plan (2011-31).


9.  An electric vehicle recharging (EVCP) scheme shall be submitted for all dwellings with parking provision unless it is demonstrated that such provision of EVCP is not practical in communal parking areas or due to other identified site constraints. No dwelling shall be occupied until the electric vehicle recharging point has been provided for the dwelling to which it relates, and such electric vehicle recharging point shall be maintained and retained for that purpose thereafter.


Reason: To ensure the provision of appropriate on-site mitigation to compensate for the impact on air quality caused by the development in the surrounding area in accordance with Policy CDMP6 of the Wyre Local Plan (2011-31).


10.  Notwithstanding the provisions of Schedule 2, Part 1 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (or any Order revoking or re-enacting that Order with or without modification), the garages hereby approved shall be retained solely for the housing of a private motor vehicle, and at no time shall any works be undertaken that would prevent it from being used for that purpose without prior express planning permission from the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: To ensure that the on-site vehicle parking provision is maintained to avoid the standing of traffic on the adjoining highway to the detriment of the safety and free flow of traffic thereon and in the interest of the amenity of the street scene in accordance with Policies CDMP3 and CDMP6 of the Wyre Local Plan (2011-31).


11.  Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (or any Order revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without modification), no fences, gates, walls, railings or other means of enclosure shall, at any time, be constructed/erected within the curtilage of any dwelling house forward of any wall of that dwelling house which fronts on to a highway without prior express planning permission from the local planning authority.


Reason: To safeguard the appearance of open plan development and in accordance with Policy CDMP3 Wyre Local Plan.


12.  No tree felling, tree works or works to hedgerows shall take place during the optimum period for bird nesting (March to August inclusive) unless a report, undertaken by a suitably qualified person immediately prior to any clearance, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, demonstrating that nesting / breeding birds have been shown to be absent.


Reason: To protect and prevent unnecessary disturbance of nesting birds in accordance with the provisions of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 and section 15 of the National Planning Policy Framework.


13.  Prior to the first occupation of any dwelling hereby approved, the windows specified below shall be:


i)          obscure glazed at a scale of 5 (where 1 is hardly obscured and 5 is totally obscured), and

ii)         non-opening unless the parts of the window which can be opened are more than 1.7 metres above the floor of the room in which the window is installed.


           First floor windows in side elevations of Charleston House Type;

           First floor windows in side elevations of Victoria House Type;

           First floor window in south facing side elevation of Marlborough House Type;

           First floor windows in side elevations of Lowry House Type;

           First floor window in south facing side elevation of Plot 44; 

           First floor window in north facing side elevation of Plot 35.


The windows (including any subsequent repaired or replacement window) shall be maintained and retained thereafter in accordance with this detail.


Reason: To safeguard the privacy of adjoining residents and in accordance with Policy CDMP3 of the Wyre Local Plan (2011-31).


14.  The development shall incorporate suitable gas protection measures, details of which shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the construction of any of the dwellings hereby approved.  The measures shall include as a minimum: ventilation of confined spaces within the building, a ground slab of suitable construction, a low permeability gas membrane, minimum (ideally none) penetration of the ground slab by services, and passive ventilation to the underside of the building.  The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved scheme and thereafter be maintained and retained. Alternatively, prior to the construction of any of the dwellings hereby approved, a gas monitoring programme and risk assessment of the results shall be undertaken to demonstrate that the above protection measures are not required.  The results shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Any gas monitoring programme must be carried out over a period of at least three months and include at least three readings where the atmospheric pressure is below 1000mb.  Gas flow rates must also be provided. 


Reason: The footprint of the proposed development is within the immediate vicinity of an area of infilled ground.  The nature of the fill is unknown.  Works are therefore required in the interests of public safety and in accordance with Policy CDMP1 of the Wyre Local Plan (2011-31).


15.  Prior to the commencement of development, including any demolition works, a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The CEMP shall include and specify the provision to be made for the following:


(a) dust and dirt mitigation measures during the demolition / construction period; complaint management and arrangements for liaison with the Council's Environmental Protection Team

(b) control of noise and vibration emanating from the site during the demolition / construction period; complaint management and arrangements for liaison with the Council's Environmental Protection Team

(c) hours and days of demolition / construction work for the development expected to be 8.00-18.00, Monday to Friday, 08.00-13.00 on Saturday with no working on Sunday and Bank / Public Holidays

(d) contractors' compounds and other storage arrangements

(e) provision for all site operatives, visitors and construction loading, off-loading, parking and turning within the site during the demolition /  construction period

(f) arrangements during the demolition / construction period to minimise the deposit of mud and other similar debris on the adjacent highways (e.g. wheel washing facilities)

(g) the routeing of construction traffic and measures to ensure that drivers use these routes as far as is practicable

(h) external lighting of the site during the demolition / construction period

(i) erection and maintenance of security hoarding including decorative displays and facilities for public viewing, where appropriate

(j) recycling / disposing of waste resulting from demolition / construction work

(k) measures to protect watercourses against spillage incidents and pollution


The construction of the development including any demolition works shall be carried out in accordance with the approved CEMP.


Reason: Such details were not submitted with the application and need to be in place throughout the demolition / construction period in the interests of the amenities of surrounding residents, to maintain the operation and safety of the local highway network, to minimise the risk of pollution and to safeguard the character and appearance of the area in accordance with Policy CDMP1 of the Wyre Local Plan (2011-31).


16.  No dwelling shall be first occupied until the drainage works have been completed in accordance with the approved details shown on Drawing No.101 Rev S (Main Drainage Layout Development Area). Thereafter the agreed scheme shall be retained, managed and maintained in accordance with the approved details.


Reason: To promote sustainable development using appropriate drainage systems, ensure a safe form of development that poses no unacceptable risk of pollution to water resources or human health and to prevent an undue increase in surface water run-off to reduce the risk of flooding in accordance with poliy CDMP2 of the Wyre Local Plan (2011-31) and the National Planning Policy Framework.


17.  Prior to the commencement of development details of an appropriate management and maintenance plan for the sustainable drainage system for the lifetime of the development shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. As a minimum, this shall include:


a)         The arrangements for adoption by an appropriate public body or statutory undertaker, or, management and maintenance by a Residents' Management Company


b)         Arrangements concerning appropriate funding mechanisms for the on-going maintenance of all elements of the sustainable drainage system (including mechanical components) and will include elements such as:


i.          on-going inspections relating to performance and asset condition assessments


ii.         operation costs for regular maintenance, remedial works and irregular maintenance caused by less sustainable limited life assets or any other arrangements to secure the operation of the surface water drainage scheme throughout its lifetime;


c)         Means of access for maintenance and easements where applicable.


The development shall subsequently be completed, maintained and managed in accordance with the approved sustainable drainage management and maintenance plan.


Reason: To ensure that appropriate and sufficient funding and maintenance mechanisms are put in place for the lifetime of the development; to reduce the flood risk to the development as a result of inadequate maintenance; and to identify the responsible organisation/ body/ company/ undertaker for the sustainable drainage system in accordance with policy CDMP2 of the Wyre Local Plan (2011-31) and the National Planning Policy Framework.


18.  The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the approved Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) by Betts Hydro Ref HYD466 Dated January 2021 and the following mitigation measures detailed within Chapter 4.8 of the FRA:


1. Set finished floor levels (FFL) of residential dwellings to a minimum of 150mm above the existing ground levels;

2. Overland flows generated by the development to be carefully controlled and safe avenues directing overland flow way from any existing and proposed buildings to be provided.

3. Surface water run-off generated by the proposals to be managed effectively with the peak rates of run-off being restricted to the equivalent of the pre-development situation (with betterment where required);

4. The proposed onsite surface water drainage system to be sized to contain the 1 in 30yr return period event below ground with exceedance from storm events up to and including the 1 in 100yr return period storm event with a 40% allowance for climate change being contained onsite.


The mitigation measures shall be fully implemented prior to first occupation of any dwelling or subsequently in accordance with the timing / phasing arrangements embodied within the scheme, or within any other period as may subsequently be approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: To reduce the risk of flooding to the proposed development and future occupants in accordance with Policy CDMP2 of the Wyre Local Plan (2011-31) and the National Planning Policy Framework.


19.  No dwelling shall be first occupied until the boundary treatments that relate to that dwelling have been completed in accordance with the following details:


           Drg No.R104/2 Rev B - Fencing Layout

           Drg No.SD-1 Rev A - 1.8m High Close Boarded Timber Fence

           Drg No.SD-104 - Typical Entrance Wall Detail

           Drg No.SD-177 - 1.2m Post  

           Drg No.SD-21 - 900mm Post  

           Drg No.SD-23 Rev B - 0.45m Knee Rail Fence Detail  

           Drg No.SD-231 - 2.6m Acoustic Fence Detail  

           Drg No.SD-46 Rev A - 1.8m High Screen Wall  

           - Drg No.SD-66   2.4m High Screen Wall  


The boundary treatments shall thereafter be maintained and retained.


Reason: In the interests of the appearance of the locality and the residential amenity of occupants / neighbours in accordance with policy CDMP3 of the Wyre Local Plan (2011-31).


20.  Prior to the commencement of above ground development, a scheme to demonstrate how at least 20% of the dwellings shall be of a design suitable or adaptable for older people and people with restricted mobility shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out, retained and maintained thereafter in accordance with the approved details.


Reason: To meet the needs of the ageing population and people with restricted mobility in the borough in accordance with Policy HP2 of the Wyre Local Plan (2011-31) and the provisions of section 5 of the NPPF.


21.  Prior to the commencement of development, including any demolition or tree works, an Arboricultural Impact Assessment, Method Statement and Tree Protection Plan for the retained hedgerows shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. This shall indicate the methods and positioning of tree protection measures such as ground protection (where necessary), Heras protective fencing and details of any specialist demolition or construction methods if appropriate.


The measures contained within the approved Arboricultural Impact Assessment, Method Statement and Tree Protection Plan with respect to those trees shown as being retained shall be implemented in accordance with the approved plans and particulars before any equipment, machinery or materials are brought on to the site for the purposes of the development, and shall be maintained until all equipment, machinery and surplus materials have been removed from the site. Nothing shall be stored or placed in any area fenced in accordance with this condition and the ground levels within those areas shall not be altered, nor shall any excavation be made, without the prior written consent of the Local Planning Authority.


In this condition "retained hedgerows" means a hedgerow which is to be retained in accordance with the approved plans and particulars.


Reason: In order to protect trees from damage or loss in the interests of the amenity of the area in accordance with Policies CDMP3 and CDMP4 of the Wyre Local Plan (2011-31) and to ensure compliance with the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. The details are required to be approved prior to commencement of development to ensure timely tree protection measures are in place.


22.  The landscaping works shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved details prior to first occupation of any part of the development or otherwise in accordance with a programme agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority and shall thereafter be retained and maintained.


           Drg No.2280_08 Landscape Proposals 

           Drg No.2280_09 Landscape Proposals 

           Drg No.2280_10 Landscape Proposals 

           Drg No.2280_11 Landscape Proposals 

           Drg No.2280_12 Landscape Proposals 

           Drg No.2280_13 Landscape Proposals 

           External Surfaces Layout Drawing R104/4 Rev B


Any trees or shrubs planted in accordance with this condition which are removed, uprooted, destroyed, die, or become severely damaged or seriously diseased within 7 years of planting, or any trees or shrubs planted as replacements shall be replaced within the next planting season by trees or shrubs of similar size and species to those originally required to be planted, unless the Local Planning Authority gives its written consent to any variation.


Reason:  To ensure the site is satisfactorily landscaped in the interests of visual amenity and ecology in accordance with Policies CDMP3 and CDMP4 of the Wyre Local Plan (2011-31) and to ensure compliance with the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 and section 15 of the National Planning Policy Framework. The details are required to be approved prior to commencement of development to ensure landscaping is implemented at an appropriate time during the development.


23.  The ground, slab and finished floor levels shall be constructed and completed in accordance with the approved details shown on Drawing No.101 Rev S (Main Drainage Layout Development Area).


Reason: To ensure that the development has a satisfactory visual impact on the streetscene, a satisfactory impact on neighbouring residential amenity and has a minimum risk of flooding in accordance with Policies CDMP2 and CDMP3 of the Wyre Local Plan (2011-31).


24.  Prior to the construction of any dwelling hereby approved, details of the refuse storage provision (including location, design and materials of construction) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The refuse storage area(s) shall be provided in accordance with the approved details prior to first occupation of any dwelling and shall thereafter be maintained and retained.


Reason:  In the interests of the appearance of the site and locality and the residential amenity of occupants and neighbours, in accordance with Policies CDMP1 and CDMP3 of the Wyre Local Plan (2011-31).


25.  Prior to first occupation of plots 1-6, 17-18, 49-60 and 68-70 hereby approved, the noise mitigation, as stated in Section 5.1 and 5.2 of the Noise Impact Assessment Reference: 50-058-R1-6 (Dated January 2021), shall be implemented. The approved noise mitigation measures shall thereafter be retained and maintained.


Reason: To ensure there is no adverse effect on the health and quality of life of future occupants and to avoid an unacceptable impact on residential amenity by virtue of noise in accordance with Policy CDMP1 of the Wyre Local Plan (2011-31).


26.  The development hereby approved shall be implemented in full accordance with the Ecological Appraisal submitted with the planning application [Envirotech, 6014, V3, 16 January 2020] including all the mitigation measures set out in that report.


Reason: To ensure compliance with the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, Policy CDMP4 of the Wyre Local Plan (2011-31) and section 15 of the National Planning Policy Framework.


27.  (i) No dwelling hereby approved shall be occupied unless and until the 'public open space' as shown on the approved layout plan has been enclosed on the northern, southern and western boundaries in order to be separated from the wider agricultural land, and this area of public open space left with an open eastern boundary so that it is encompassed within the residential development;


(ii) No more than 35 dwellings hereby approved shall be occupied unless and until, all of the green infrastructure and associated operational development / works have been completed in full and made available for use.


Reason: To ensure that the necessary green infrastructure required to support this development is provided in a timely manner in accordance with Policy HP9 of the Adopted Wyre Local Plan 2011-2031.


28.  The use of the land hereby permitted shown as 'public open space' on the approved layout plan shall be for green infrastructure and drainage with all area(s) of open space designed to be publicly accessible shall thereafter be retained and maintained for use by the public.


Reason: In order to ensure that the use remains appropriate to this countryside location and remains available for public access in order to perform a functional green infrastructure role in accordance with Policies SP4, SP8 and HP9 of the Wyre Local Plan 2011-2031.development.


29.  Details of the appearance (size, materials and external colour finish) of the Electricity Substation and Pumping Station as shown on the approved Planning Layout Coloured Drawing No.R104/1 Rev C, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to their installation.  The development shall be carried out and retained thereafter in accordance with the approved details.


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and so that the Local Planning Authority shall be satisfied as to the details of the development.


30.  Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (or any Order revoking or re-enacting that Order with or without modification), the dwellings on Plots 11, 12, 13, 59 & 60 shall not be altered or extended, nor shall any building, structure or enclosure be erected within the curtilage of the dwelling(s) without planning permission.


Reason: To ensure that the Local Planning Authority have control over any future development of the dwelling(s) in the interests of preserving the character and amenity of the area and the residential amenity of occupants / neighbours in accordance with Policy CDMP3 of the Wyre Local Plan (2011-31).





Supporting documents: