Agenda item

Draft Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy V06


The Corporate Director Environment submitted a report that included a draft revised Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy.


The Senior Licensing Officer, Niky Barret, presented the report to committee.


The Senior Licensing Officer explained that the majority of the amendments included in the report were necessary to reflect the recommendations, highlighted in yellow (in the agenda pack), contained in the DfT’s Statutory Standards document. The draft policy also contained several amendments, highlighted in blue (in the agenda pack), that addressed local changes and emerged issues. She stated that the proposed introduction of emissions limits, which would bring it in line with London’s Low Emission’s Zones, could produce significant cost implications for the trade when purchasing replacement vehicles.


Niky Barrett updated members that the public consultation with the trade and other stakeholders had been scheduled between 8 March 2021 and 1 May 2021 and the responses would be collated and presented back to committee at a suitable meeting in either May or June 2021.


The Senior Licensing Officer asked members to provide any amendments to the policy or to agree to the policy as it currently stood.


Mrs Barrett responded to questions proposed by members, which surrounded the following topics:


-       Monetary incentives to increase the introduction of electric and hybrid vehicles in the existing fleets

-       Mandatory CCTV in vehicles

-       Advertising Standards

-       Vehicle age policies 


Councillor Sir Robert Atkins gave his apologies and expressed that he needed to leave during this item (5) as he was required to Chair another meeting.


Following discussions, it was agreed that:


1.    The Licencing Committee agreed the draft Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy.

2.    That the Senior Licensing Officer would begin an eight-week consultation with the trade and other relevant persons on the draft policy.

3.    The outcome of the consultation to be reported back to the Committee in due course, to consider all the responses and whether it is appropriate to amend the draft policy, before adopting it.

Supporting documents: