Agenda item

Application C- Brickhouse Cottages, Brickhouse Lane, Hambleton, FY6 9BG (20/00411/FUL)

Application (retrospective) for the erection of a two-storey building comprising of visitors centre, café/restaurant and hydrotherapy pool.



The application was brought before Members of the Planning Committee for determination at the request of Councillor Robinson.


A site visit took place to enable Members to understand the proposal beyond the plans submitted and the photos taken by the Case Officer.


An update sheet with additional information was published on the council’s website and made available at the meeting, this information only having become available after the original agenda was published. The committee considered the update sheet, which contained additional information, none of which, it was suggested, presented any new material planning considerations which would warrant a change in the recommendation in the original report.


Mrs Phelham, a member of the public, spoke objecting to the application.


Councillor Robinson (Wyre Borough Councillor for Hambleton and Stalmine) spoke against the application.


The applicant, Vicki Murray, addressed the committee.


The Committee discussed additional concerns regarding the impact of traffic on the amenity of residents of neighbouring properties along Brickhouse Lane and other users of Brickhouse Lane.


After consideration, it was proposed by Councillor Moon, seconded by Councillor Ballard, that the application be refused under the provisions of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, as per the recommendation with one additional reason for refusal, which was agreed by the committee, as set out below:


1.           The proposed development would result in the creation of a stand-alone business in an area of countryside as designated in the adopted Wyre Local Plan (2011-2031). It does not constitute either an expansion of an existing business or diversification of an agricultural business and therefore amounts to unjustified development in the countryside. Furthermore the proposed development is located in an unsustainable location and not well-related to the nearest settlement of Hambleton. As such it is therefore considered contrary to Policies SP2, SP4 and EP8 of the adopted Wyre Local Plan (2011-2031).


 2.          The proposal is for a main town centre use capable of functioning as an independent planning unit, and therefore requires a sequential test to demonstrate that there are no sequentially preferable sites available for the development in a defined centre. The sequential test provided with the application is insufficient on the basis of the lack of adequate justification for the size of building proposed. This would therefore be contrary to Section 7 of the NPPF and Policy EP5 of the Adopted Wyre Local Plan.


 3.          The proposed development lies within Flood Zone 3 and therefore it is required to be demonstrated that the proposal cannot be located at a site less vulnerable to flooding. The submitted sequential test has failed to provide sufficient evidence to show that there are no reasonably available sites appropriate for the proposed development in areas with a lower probability of flooding. This position is further supported by the lack of adequate justification for the size of building proposed. As such this would not steer development to areas with the lowest probability of flooding, thereby increasing the number of people and properties at risk of flooding and failing the sequential test, contrary to the NPPF, the guidance in the NPPG and Policy CDMP2 of the Adopted Wyre Local Plan.


4.        The proposed development, by reason of the increase in traffic caused by members of the public visiting the site, would cause significant harm to the amenity of residents of neighbouring properties along Brickhouse Lane and other users of Brickhouse Lane which would be in conflict with policies CDMP1 and CDMP3 of the Adopted Wyre Local Plan 2011-31.


Supporting documents: