Agenda item

b) Applications Approved


RESOLVEDthat the undermentioned application be APPROVED under the provisions of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, as set out below:




Mr David Bosson.  Retrospective change of use of agricultural land to sports field/rugby pitch (Use Class D2) (between the dates of 1 September to 30 April).  Garstang Show Field, Wyre Lane, Garstang, Lancashire.


This application was before the Planning Committee at the request of Councillor Lady Atkins. Committee Members had the benefit of a site visit before the public meeting, to enable Members to understand the proposal and its setting beyond the plans submitted and the photos taken by the Case Officer.


The application was approved as per the Officers recommendation subject to the following Conditions and Reasons:-


Conditions, Reasons and Notes:-



1.         The development shall be carried out, except where modified by the conditions to this permission, in accordance with the Planning Application received by the Local Planning Authority on 29/01/2018 including the following plans/documents:


·                Site Plan GA-GRUG-01 & Site plan (Location of Pitch) Ref DF Garstang Showfield

·                Access and parking Layout Plan Scale 1:500


The development shall be retained hereafter in accordance with this detail.


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and so that the Local Planning Authority shall be satisfied as to the details.


2.         The Rugby Pitch/Sports Field hereby approved shall not be used outside the period of 1st September to the 30th April per calendar year.


Reason: To safeguard the amenities of the occupiers of nearby residential accommodation in accordance with Saved Policy SP14 of the Wyre Borough Local Plan.


3.         Within the red edge boundary, as delineated on the proposed site plan (Ref: GA-GRUG-01; dated January 2015), the existing ground levels must remain unchanged, and no structures should be erected without the prior written approval of the local planning authority.


Reason: To reduce the risk of flooding and to ensure flood storage is not reduced.


4.         Before the access is used for vehicular purposes, that part of the access extending from the highway boundary for a minimum distance of 5m into the site (As shown as Access Point 2 on the approved site plan) shall be appropriately paved in tarmacadam, concrete, block paviours, or other approved materials.


Reason: To prevent loose surface material from being carried on to the public highway thus causing a potential source of danger to other road users.


5.         Within two months of the date of this approval, the car parking and turning areas shown on the approved Parking and Access plan shall be provided in full and shall be available for use. The car parking areas shall thereafter be kept available for the parking of cars at all times.


Reason:  To ensure the provision of adequate car parking on site and in the interests of highway safety.


Notes: -


1.         The new vehicular access, within the adopted highway fronting the site will need to be constructed under a section 184 agreement of the 1980 Highways Act (Vehicle crossings over footways and verges), The Highway Authority hereby reserves the right to provide the highway works within the highway associated with this proposal. Provision of the highway works includes design, procurement of the work by contract and supervision of the works. The applicant is advised to contact the Community Services before works begin on site. Further information and advice can be found at and search for vehicle crossings and then fill in the information at "Get a vehicle crossing quotation".