Agenda item

a) Application Refused


RESOLVEDthat that if Wyre Borough Council were the determining Authority for the undermentioned application planning permission would have been REFUSED under the provisions of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the reasons set out below:




TAS Ltd.   Erection of a three storey residential care home for use within Use Class C2 including car parking with vehicular and pedestrian access and associated landscaping.  Lakeland View, Laidleys Walk, Fleetwood, Lancashire, FY7 7JL.


This application was considered by the Planning Committee at its meeting on 6 December 2017, following a site visit. At that meeting, a decision was made to defer the application, so that officers could go back to the applicants to seek further details, as stated within the report. A full update was given to all members within the report and also the notification that on 3 January 2018 an email was received by the Planning department, confirming that an appeal against non-determination of the application had already been lodged with the Planning Inspectorate.


As the matter is now at appeal and no formal determination was made on this application, officers sought a resolution from the Planning Committee as to how they would have determined the application, had it not been appealed. The Head of Planning Services advised that the resolution will form the basis of the council’s position at appeal.


Four members of the public, Tracey McCormick, Norah Stuchfield, David Waghorn and Isobel Wilkie addressed the committee objecting to the application. Wyre Councillor Marge Anderton and County Councillor Lorraine Beavers also spoke, objecting to the application.


It was resolved that the application would have been refused for the following reasons:


1. The proposed building, by reason of its design, scale, mass and position in relation to surrounding residential properties, would have an overbearing and obtrusive impact on those properties, and resultant loss of daylight, affecting in particular, 5-8 Malcolm Place and 62 and 64 Macbeth Road, to the detriment of the residential amenity that those properties should expect to enjoy, contrary to the provisions of policy SP14 of the adopted Wyre Borough Local Plan and policy CDMP3 of the submission draft of the emerging Local Plan. 


2.  The proposed building, by reason of its design, scale, mass and position in relation to surrounding residential properties, would result in overlooking of those properties from the first and second floor bedrooms and communal lounges serving the development to the detriment of the residential amenity that those properties should expect to enjoy, contrary to the provisions of policy SP14 of the adopted Wyre Borough Local Plan and policy CDMP3 of the submission draft of the emerging Local Plan.


3. The proposed development, by reason of its scale, in terms of number of bedrooms, would only be served by 16 car spaces to meet its needs. This is considered insufficient to meet the needs of the development and would result in significant levels of vehicle movements and parking on surrounding local roads to the detriment of the proper use of those roads and the safety of those road users and local residents, contrary to the provisions of policy SP14 of the adopted Wyre Borough Local Plan and policies CDMP3 and CDMP6 of the submission draft of the emerging Local Plan.  


Councillor Lees left the meeting after the determination of this item and did not return to the meeting.