Agenda item

Fees and Charges - draft

The Resources Portfolio Holder and Deputy Leader, Councillor Michael Vincent and the Corporate Director Resources (Section 151 Officer), Clare James, have submitted a report, the proposed fee and charges (draft) for the 2023/2024 financial year. Clare James will attend the meeting and introduce the report.


Committee members will have the opportunity to comment and ask questions.


The Corporate Director Resources (Section 151 Officer), Clare James, submitted a report, that detailed the proposed fees and charges for the municipal year 2023/24.

Before Clare James introduced the report, Councillor Sir Robert Atkins asked for clarification regarding when the decision to approve fees and charges can be made. Clare James explained that the approval of fees and charges was in the form of a Portfolio Holder report. She confirmed that the proposed fees and charges set for a municipal year could be amended at any point if a Portfolio Holder report was presented to the relevant Portfolio Holder. She added that the purpose of an annual decision on proposed fees and charges was to assist with the budget setting.

Clare James introduced the report and explained the key changes proposed. She highlighted to members that owing to the current high levels of inflation, the council was experiencing increased contractual and service costs. Therefore, some of the fees and charges were set on a cost recovery basis. She added that where fees were due to be uplifted by inflation, consumer price inflation (CPI) was used; in September 2022 this was 10.1 per cent. In addition, due to the unprecedented levels of inflation, some amendments to the 2022/23 fees and charges would take effect from 1 January 2023.

Clare James received and answered questions posed by members.

There were six areas that the committee had particular comments, which would be reported back to the Management Board:


Health and Wellbeing Classes

Members raised several concerns regarding the proposed charge of £2 per session to attend a community exercise class. They acknowledged a corporate priority of the council was to improve health and wellbeing across Wyre’s communities and feared that an introduction of a charge to the exercise classes may result in more members of the public being discouraged to attend. The Chairman suggested that hardship arrangements be explored for those residents who may not able to afford the £2 fee. A member also raised a question regarding the locations of the community classes.

Clare James agreed to feedback these comments to the relevant officers.


Development Control

Concerns were raised regarding the capacity of the council to carry out pre-application discussions. The committee agreed that it would be useful for them to review a side-by-side comparison of 22/23 to 23/24 fees.

Clare James agreed to feedback these comments to the relevant officers.



Public Conveniences

Some members expressed their reservations about the proposed increased fees for using public conveniences by 10p (from 30p to 40p). Clare James highlighted that this proposal was in line with neighbouring authorities.

Members also raised questions regarding the previous increase of fees, contactless and cash options for the public conveniences in Wyre and income generated by the fees.

The Chairman suggested consideration be given to monitoring the increase in fees to keep the impact under review.

Clare James agreed to feedback these comments to the relevant officers.



Concerns were expressed regarding the timescales of when traders at the markets would be made aware of the increase in the administration charge and whether this may result in a loss of current and future traders.

Clare James reassured members that Wyre’s markets had high occupancy levels and they did not currently struggle to attract traders.

Concerns were also raised around potential disruption caused by the improvement works to Fleetwood Market that was scheduled to begin in December 2022. Some members also discussed occupancy rates and the timing of the works as a suggestion to minimise disruption.

Clare James agreed to feedback these comments to the relevant officers.


Room Hire (Civic Centre)

A question was raised regarding the redecoration of rooms for hire in the Civic Centre, specifically the Members’ Lounge. It was suggested that improvements would attract more customers to book these rooms.

Clare James explained that such works had been delayed due to major works to the external elevation of the Civic Centre and capacity issues in the Property Maintenance Team.

The committee requested a timescale for the redecoration to be carried out and when completed, for the Communications Team to improve the marketing of the rooms.

Clare James agreed to feedback these comments to the relevant officers.


Leisure Development – Playing Fields

Some members raised concerns that the report suggested that the increase in fees for the use of the playing fields was to be in line with CPI. Clare James clarified that this was incorrect and clarification had been sought with the Head of Service and the YMCA was still determining the fees for next year.

Following comments raised by a member regarding the maintenance of the playing fields, the committee suggested that any increase, if contractually possible, should be linked to pitch maintenance support.

Clare James agreed to feedback these comments to the relevant officers.

Members were also briefed and raised questions regarding Thornton Little Theatre, Marine Hall, Cemeteries, Marsh Mill, Communications and Visitor Economy, Car Parking, Building Control and Marsh Mill. No alternative fees were proposed as a result of these discussions.

Following discussions, the committee agreed to support the proposals.


The Chairman thanked Clare James for her attendance and contributions.

It was agreed:

      i.        That the comments from the committee be fed back to the Management Board when discussing the proposed fees and charges,

    ii.        That the report be noted.


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