Browse meetings

Overview and Scrutiny Climate Change Sub-Committee

This page lists the meetings for Overview and Scrutiny Climate Change Sub-Committee.

For agendas, minutes and decisions prior to May 2015, contact Democratic Services.

Information about Overview and Scrutiny Climate Change Sub-Committee

Section 9FA of the Local Government Act 2000 provides that the

Overview and Scrutiny Committee may appoint one or more sub-committees, and may arrange for the discharge of any of its functions by any such sub-committee.


A sub-committee was established by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee at their meeting on 12 June 2023. The Climate Change Overview and Scrutiny sub-committee will undertake scrutiny, pertaining to climate change matters effecting the borough of Wyre. This will include:


       I.          Supporting and monitoring the Council’s approach to the delivery of the Climate Change Strategy.


     II.          Reviewing and/or scrutinising decisions made or actions taken in connection with the Climate Change Strategy.


   III.          Advising the Leader or Cabinet of key issues/questions arising in relation to climate change reports due to be considered by the Leader, Cabinet or Council.


  IV.          Making reports and/or recommendations to Cabinet and/or Council in connection with climate change actions taken by the council.


    V.          Delivering (a & b) by creating an annual work programme based on the Climate Change Strategy, significant, demonstrable public concerns and importance to the entire borough, in order to identify relevant themes or issues that can be properly scrutinised to add value.


  VI.          The sub-committee will report annually to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on its work.


Meetings of the Climate Change Overview and Scrutiny Committee are held in public. It is useful for anyone wanting to attend to contact Democratic Services first via or 01253 887608.