Contact: Marianne Unwin Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Endorsement of the Barton Neighbourhood Plan Examiner's report Report of the Corporate Director Communities. Decision: The Corporate Director Communities submitted a report seeking the Planning Policy and Economic Development Portfolio Holder:
· To consider the findings of the Examiner’s Report into the Barton Neighbourhood Plan and proposed modifications.
· To consider if the Barton Neighbourhood Plan, incorporating proposed modifications, meets the basic conditions and legal requirements set out in the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations.
· To inform the Portfolio Holder of the next steps for the Barton Neighbourhood Plan, including agreeing that the Barton Neighbourhood Plan as modified can proceed to referendum.
The Planning Policy and Economic Development Portfolio Holder agreed:
· That the findings of the Barton Neighbourhood Plan Examiner’s Report and proposed modifications (Appendix 1) are endorsed.
· That the Barton Neighbourhood Plan incorporating proposed modifications (Appendix 2) meets the basic conditions and legal requirements.
· That the Portfolio Holder agrees that the Barton Neighbourhood Plan should proceed to a local referendum and that the draft decision statement (Appendix 3) can be issued to inform interested parties that the modified Barton Neighbourhood Plan should proceed to Referendum as soon as reasonably possible with a potential Referendum date of 9 November 2023.
· That powers be delegated to the Head of Planning and Regeneration to make minor editorial amendments and corrections to the Barton Neighbourhood Plan prior to referendum.
Allocation of S106 monies to improve Pheasants Wood, Thornton Report of the Corporate Director Environment. Decision: The Corporate Director Environment submitted a report seeking the Street Scene, Parks and Open Spaces Portfolio Holder to approve the allocation of S106 funds from the development at The Bourne Poacher, 325 Fleetwood Road North, Thornton to undertake improvements at Pheasants wood, Thornton and for the scheme to be added to the 2023/24 Capital Programme.
The Street Scene, Parks and Open Spaces Portfolio Holder agreed:
· That the Council’s 2023/24 Capital Programme be amended to include improvements to Pheasants Wood using £14,648 (which includes indexation) received through the S106 obligation relating to planning permission 17/00469/FULMAJ.
· That approval is given to authorise the Corporate Director Environment to appoint contractor(s) and supplier(s) in accordance with the Council’s Financial Procedure Rules. |