Agenda and decisions

Fleetwood Market Improvement Work, Procuring specialist consultants for Low Carbon Skills Work, Portfolio Holder Decisions - Thursday, 20th July, 2023 12.00 pm

Contact: Marianne Unwin  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


Fleetwood Market Improvement Works pdf icon PDF 167 KB

Report of Corporate Director Communities.


The Corporate Director Communities submitted a report seeking the Resources Portfolio Holder to approve additional improvement works at Fleetwood Market.




The Resources Portfolio Holder agreed:


·         That approval is given to bring forward Capital Funding of £357,000, originally earmarked for roof replacement works from the Planned Maintenance Schedule in 2024/25 and reallocate to additional improvement works at Fleetwood market. A breakdown of the additional works (including contingencies) in the table below highlights where this funding is proposed to be reallocated and brought forward.


·         That the scheme, costing £357,000 is added to the Council’s 2023/24 Capital Programme, funded from capital receipts.


·         That approval is given to proceed with the work under the exemption to Contract Procedures contained within the Financial Regulations and Financial Procedure Rules on the grounds that exceptions apply where the goods works or services constitute an extension or variation of an existing contract or are required urgently, or the goods/materials, works or services consist of repairs to, or the supply of parts for existing proprietary plant or equipment.




Acceptance of Low Carbon Skills Fund grant and appointment of consultants pdf icon PDF 119 KB

Report of the Corporate Director Environment.


The Corporate Director Environment submitted a report seeking the Resources Portfolio Holder to approve a grant from Salix as part of the Phase 4 Public Sector Low Carbon Skills Fund (LCSF) for the creation of heat decarbonisation plans and detailed designs for eligible council-owned buildings utilising gas heating systems.




The Resources Portfolio Holder agreed:


·         Access to the skills and expertise needed to produce heat decarbonisation plans and detailed designs for removing gas from council-owned buildings and installing alternative renewable energy solutions.


·         Detailed understanding of the costs, savings, benefits and actions needed to be taken to decarbonise our buildings.


·         Demonstrating a strong commitment towards achieving our net zero target.