Agenda and decisions

Capital Project - Additional playground equiptment Memorial Park, Fleetwood, Portfolio Holder Decisions - Friday, 26th May, 2023 12.00 pm

Contact: Marianne Unwin  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


Capital Project - Additional playground equipment Memorial Park, Fleetwood pdf icon PDF 157 KB

Report of the Corporate Director Environment.


The Corporate Director Environment submitted a report asking the Street Scene, Parks and Open Spaces Portfolio Holder approve the installation of a new play equipment on Memorial Park Fleetwood using monies secured by The Friends of Memorial Park and for the scheme to be added to the 2023/24 Capital Programme.




The Street Scene, Parks and Open Spaces Portfolio Holder agreed:


·         That the Council’s 2023/24 Capital Programme be amended to include additional playground equipment on Memorial Park using £20,050 of funding provided by The Friends of Memorial Park.


·         To accept the donation of £20,050 from The Friends Group to enhance the current play offer on Memorial Park, Fleetwood.


·         That the Council will act as lead project manager to procure and oversee the works.


·         That the Council’s annual maintenance and inspection programme for children’s playgrounds include this new pendulum rope swing and its future upkeep can be met from within existing revenue budgets.