Contact: Marianne Unwin Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Write Offs - Irrecoverable Debts PDF 110 KB Report of the Corporate Director Resources (Section 151 Officer). Additional documents: Decision: The Corporate Director Resources (Section 151 Officer) submitted a report detailing Council Tax, Non-Domestic Rate (NNDR), Housing Benefit Overpayments and Sundry Debtor write-offs.
The Resources Portfolio Holder:
· Agreed to note the action taken by the Corporate Director Resources (Section 151 Officer) in relation to the write-off of bad debt. |
IDOX Systems support contract PDF 131 KB Report of the Corporate Director Resources (Section 151 Officer). Decision: The Corporate Director Resources submitted a report asking the Resources Portfolio Holder to approve the purchase of a new contract with IDOX to cover licensing, maintenance and upgrades of our IDOX systems for the next five years.
The Resources Portfolio Holder:
· Agreed that the council enters into a five-year IDOX contract costing £302,650 (£60,530 per annum), funded from current ICT base budgets and the IT Strategy Reserve. The contract will run from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2028. This procurement will be made under the Crown Commercial Services framework RM3821 for the provision of Data and Applications Solutions.
· Agreed that approval is given to proceed under the Exemption to Contract Procedures contained within the Financial Regulations and Financial Procedures Rules on the grounds that if a framework agreement is available that necessitates the council not having to go out to tender and the goods, works or services will still provide the council with best value for money. · |
Replacement of Core Infrastructure PDF 114 KB Report of Corporate Director Resources (Section 151 Officer). Decision: The Corporate Director Resources submitted a report to approve the replacement of the Virtual Server Infrastructure, comprising of 3x physical servers and a single Storage Area Network (SAN).
The Resources Portfolio Holder:
· Agreed that approval is given to proceed with the proposed replacement of the existing servers and SAN under the NHS Digital Workspace Solutions framework (SBS / 19 / AB / WAB / 9411), which is OJEU compliant and ensures suppliers meet Cyber Security standards.
· Agreed that the equipment, costing an estimated £76,179 (plus £7,618 contingency) is added to the council’s Capital Programme for 2022/23 funded from the IT Strategy Reserve, with a further £5,595 transferred to revenue to cover the cost of an additional warranty period.
· Agreed that approval is given to proceed under the Exemption to Contract Procedures contained within the Financial Regulations and Financial Procedures Rules on the grounds that if a framework agreement is available that necessitates the council not having to go out to tender and the goods, works or services will still provide the council with best value for money. |
Biodiversity Net Gain - Procurement of Services and Grant Funding PDF 117 KB Report of Corporate Director Communities. Decision: The Corporate Director Communities submitted a report seeking approval from the Resources Portfolio Holder and the Planning Policy and Economic Development Portfolio Holder to implement biodiversity net gain and accept grant funding and for an exemption to the Council’s financial procedure rules for the procurement of consultancy services to support the delivery of biodiversity net gain.
The Resources Portfolio Holder and the Planning Policy and Economic Development Portfolio Holder:
· Agreed that the council accepts additional biodiversity net gain extra burdens grant funding when available from government and make this funding available to the Planning Department to support the delivery of biodiversity net gain services.
· Agreed that the Resources Portfolio Holder delegates authority to the Corporate Director Communities to allow for the appointment of consultants under the exemption to Contract Procedures contained within the Financial Regulations and Financial Procedures rules, that the goods, works or services are of a specialised nature carried out by only one or a limited Portfolio Holder Report number of firms with no reasonable satisfactory alternative available, to support the delivery of biodiversity net gain.
· Agreed that a virement of £10,050 be actioned and following approval of the budget, the amount be transferred into 2023/24. |
YMCA Bowl - Procurement of a new waxing machine PDF 102 KB Report of Corporate Director Communities. Decision: The Corporate Director Communities submitted a report detailing the procurement of a new waxing machine for YMCA Bowl at Thornton Leisure Centre, funded from the Leisure Management Reserve and to seek approval for an exemption from the contract procedure rules.
The Resources Portfolio Holder and the Leisure, Health and Community Engagement Portfolio Holder:
· Agreed that the cost of a new waxing machine for YMCA Bowl be funded from the Leisure Management Reserve costing £13,825.
· Agreed that approval is given by the Resources Portfolio Holder to allow the procurement under exemptions to contract procedures, contained within the Financial Regulations and Financial Procedure Rules on the grounds that: “the goods, works or services are of a specialised nature carried out Portfolio Holder Report by only one or a limited number of firms with no reasonably satisfactory alternatives available.” |