Contact: Duncan Jowitt Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
ICT Cyber Resilience and Disaster Recovery measures
Report of the Corporate Director Resources. Decision: The Corporate Director Resources submitted a report seeking approval from the Resources Portfolio Holder to add to the 2022/23 Capital Programme and Revenue Estimates a project to purchase the hardware, software and licences necessary to build a resilient infrastructure for use in the event of a disruptive or destructive event, such as an environmental disaster or cyber-attack.
The report is exempt from publication under category 7 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 as it contains “Information relating to any action taken or to be taken in connection with the prevention, investigation or prosecution of crime”. For the same reason, some aspects of the decision that are also exempt from publication have not been included below.
The Resources Portfolio Holder agreed that the project be added to the Capital Programme for 2022/23 and to waive financial regulations on the basis that: “The goods, works or services are of a specialised nature carried out by only one or a limited number of firms with no reasonably satisfactory alternatives available” or where “a framework agreement is available that necessitates the council not having to go out to tender and the goods, works and services will still provide the Council with best value for money”. |