Agenda and decisions

Relocation of Garstang tourist information service to Garstang Library, Portfolio Holder Decisions - Thursday, 15th September, 2022 12.00 pm

Contact: Duncan Jowitt  Democratic Services Officer

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Relocation of Garstang tourist information service to Garstang Library pdf icon PDF 166 KB

Report of the Corporate Director Communities.


The Corporate Director Communities submitted a report seeking approval to relocate the council’s Garstang tourist information service from the current Visit Garstang Centre to within Garstang Library.




The Resources Portfolio Holder and the Leisure, Health and Community Engagement Portfolio Holder gave approval for the council


·         to give notice on its lease of the current Visit Garstang premises allowing the service to co-locate at Garstang Library, helping to improve its sustainability and


·         to enter into a lease with Lancashire County Council to accommodate space at Garstang Library to create a tourist information point and allow staff to hot desk there.