Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Wednesday, 5th April, 2023 2.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Centre, Poulton-le-Fylde. View directions

Contact: Daphne Courtenage  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


Declarations of interest

Members will disclose any pecuniary and any other significant interests they may have in relation to the matters under consideration.




Confirmation of minutes

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 01 March 2023 (already circulated by email).


The minutes for the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 1 March 2023 were confirmed as a correct record by those who were in attendance.


Appeals pdf icon PDF 95 KB

The Schedule of Appeals lodged and decided between 15 February 2023 – 15 March 2023, is attached.

Additional documents:


The committee noted the Schedule of Appeals lodged and decided between 15 February 2023 and 15 March 2023. The Chairman invited any Member requiring any further details or clarification on the appeal to contact the relevant case officer.


The Head of Planning and Regeneration highlighted that review of appeal decisions is useful to improve decision taking. He gave the example of application 22/00074/FUL, which had missed the committee sheet by a couple of days. The inspector did not agree with the council’s reasons for refusal and therefore the appeal was allowed.



Planning applications pdf icon PDF 90 KB

Background Papers:

In preparing the reports on this agenda the following documents have been used:


1.            The Wyre Borough Local Plan (2011-2031)

2.            Draft Revised Joint Lancashire Minerals and Waste Local Plan

3.            Joint Lancashire Minerals and Waste Local Plan

4.            Statements of Government Policy/guidance (NPPF, NPPG, Ministerial Statements etc.)

5.            Supplementary Planning Guidance and evidence base documents specifically referred to in the reports

6.            The application file (as per the number at the head of each report)

7.            The forms, plans, committee reports and decisions as appropriate for the historic applications specifically referred to in the reports

8.            Any additional information specifically referred to in each report.


These background documents are available on line, or for inspection by a written request to Planning Services, Civic Centre, Breck Road, Poulton-le-Fylde, FY6 7PU.


Reports of the Head of Planning Services on planning applications to be determined at this meeting:


Application A - Land Off Castle Lane Barnacre With Bonds Lancashire (22/00669/OUT) pdf icon PDF 108 KB

Outline application for the erection of up to 9 dwellings with access off Castle Lane (all other matters reserved) (re-submission 21/00891/OUT)


Deferred from the meeting of the 1 March 2023.

Additional documents:


The application was before members for determination for a second time after being deferred at the previous meeting so that Lancashire County Council (LCC) Highways could be asked to consider the impact of a serious/fatal accident which the committee had been informed had occurred on Castle Lane in July 2022. The referral reason was in relation to highway and pedestrian safety. This accident was not included within the road safety record section of the highways consultation response dated 24th August 2022.


An update sheet was published on the council’s website, the information only having become available after the original agenda was published. The committee considered the update sheet, which contained additional consultation responses and public representations which were acknowledged by officers.


The Planning Development Manager outlined representations in an additional letter of objection that had been received after the circulation of the update sheet. He identified that these issues had already addressed within the update sheet and officer report and did not change the officer recommendation.


LCC Highways confirmed there was no record of highway collisions occurring (over a 5-year examination period) on Castle Lane itself and that following an investigation, it had been concluded that there were no highway design issues or defects that would have contributed to the collision. The LLC Highways position remained unchanged.


The Planning Development Manager said that based on the additional updated response from LCC Highways, the application was not considered to result in an unacceptable impact on highways safety and the recommendation for approval subject to conditions remained unchanged.


As there had been no material changes, no amended LCC position, or further consultation on to the application since it was previously presented, there was no opportunity for public speaking on this item.


The Chair mentioned that in the circumstances he could identify no sustainable planning reason to disagree with the recommendation.  However, he considered the passing places along Castle Lane should be improved and possibly increased. He asked the Head of Planning and Regeneration to contact LCC Highways and ask for them review this issue as part of their role as the highway authority and this request was supported by the other members of the committee.


The Head of Planning and Regeneration confirmed he was happy to contact LCC Highways with regard to the concerns set out by the Committee and to draw their attention to the minutes of this Planning Committee.


Councillor Orme encouraged members of the Parish Councils who had concerns about the highways issues to write to LCC Highways.


Councillor Le Marinel proposed the recommendation to approve the application to the committee, and Councillor Ingham seconded the proposal. It was resolved to approve the application and grant outline planning permission subject to the conditions set out below.




1.   In the case of any reserved matter, namely, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of the buildings, an application for approval must be made before the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this permission; and that the development hereby  ...  view the full minutes text for item PA.61


Application B - Promenade And Beach Front Between Cleveleys And Fleetwood (22/00408/LMAJ) pdf icon PDF 452 KB

Construction of a coastal defence beach management scheme incorporating a revetment system and beach control structure along wyres coast, erection of a temporary compound to be constructed at Jubilee Gardens and open space opposite the sea cadet base in Fleetwood.

Additional documents:


The application was brought before members for consideration following a call-in request from Councillor Rachel George.


A site visit occurred to enable members to understand the proposal beyond the plans submitted and the photographs taken by the case officer.


The Planning Development Manager clarified that in June 2021 members of the Planning Committee had resolved to grant planning permission for Phase 1 of beach management works. He highlighted the application in question sought full planning permission for Phase 2 of beach management works.


The Planning Development Manager emphasised that in conjunction with the application, a separate associated marine licence application was applied for to the Marine Management Organisation.


He clarified that the environmental constraints referred to in the report had all been considered as part of the assessment of the application.


The Planning Development Manager confirmed that the application did not affect the northern car park to the Rossall Point satellite compound and the footpath to the west so that they were able to remain open to the public during the course of the works.


He explained the conditions were set out in the report but with regard to the hours of construction and deliveries, they were restricted from 7am – 7pm Monday to Friday. These hours would accommodate the tide times for the construction works to be undertaken.


Ian Somerville spoke in objection to the application.


Edward Greenwood spoke in objection to the application.


Councillor Orme asked a question of the speaker.


Jayne Murray spoke in objection to the application.


Carl Green, acting as the agent on behalf of the council, spoke in favour of the application.


Councillors Raynor, Ballard and Le Marinel asked questions of Mr Green


In relation to the open space land at Rossall Point, Mr Green clarified that: they had looked at numerous sites however the chosen site was the only one which met all criteria; the land would be reinstated including the car parks being resurfaced; and that they would work with the community as that was the legacy they wanted to leave behind.


The Chair ended the public speaking portion of the meeting and opened up the members’ debate.


Councillors raised the following questions/concerns over:


·         Site location

·         Vibrations

·         Compensation if someone’s property was affected

·         Lorry access routes

·         Impact on residents and care homes

·         Time limit

·         Parking surfaces being resurfaced beforehand

·         Penalty clause put into the contract for exceeding time limit

The Head of Planning and Regeneration did not recommend any changes to the 10 conditions set out in the report and reminded the committee not to stray on to matters that were not planning considerations. He clarified that there were three years to implement a planning permission.


He explained that the highway authority continued to request a survey of highway condition which did not meet the tests for planning conditions.


The Chair asked Mr Green to keep the residents updated of the scheme’s progress and time scales.


The Chair, Councillor Moon, proposed the recommendations set out in the report, and the Vice Chair,  ...  view the full minutes text for item PA.62