Agenda and minutes

Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Monday, 11th September, 2017 6.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Poulton-le-Fylde

Contact: Peter Foulsham  Scrutiny Officer

No. Item


Apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Matthew Vincent.



Declarations of interest

Members will disclose any pecuniary and any other significant interests they may have in relation to the matters to be considered at this meeting.




Confirmation of minutes pdf icon PDF 93 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 31 July 2017.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the committee held on 31 July 2017 be confirmed as a correct record.



Waste and Recycling Collection Services task group - draft report pdf icon PDF 337 KB

Councillor Paul Moon will present the Waste and Recycling Collection Services task group’s draft report for endorsement by the committee.


Councillor Paul Moon presented the draft report of the Waste and Recycling Collection Services task group and explained the group’s conclusions and draft recommendations.




(i)            The task group’s draft report be endorsed, and


(ii)          The report be submitted to the Cabinet for their consideration.



Performance - the Council's Business Plan 2015-19 (2017 update) pdf icon PDF 636 KB

The Service Director Performance and Innovation, Marianne Hesketh, has submitted a report, the 1st Quarter Performance Statement 2017/18, April – June 2017.


Marianne Hesketh, Service Director Performance and Innovation, submitted a report. 


Concern was expressed that the number of affordable homes built was lower than the comparable period last year.  It was noted, however, that more affordable homes were to be built in the near future, a site exclusively for affordable housing being under construction in School Lane, Forton.


RESOLVED that the report be noted.



Fylde and Wyre Clinical Commissioning Group

Dr Tony Naughton (Clinical Chief Officer) and Mark Britton (Communications Manager) Fylde and Wyre Clinical Commissioning Group, will report verbally on progress to date on the delivery of the CCG’s ‘2030 Vision for Health and Care’.  Their presentation will include an update on the new models of care that are transforming local services and patient experience.  Dr Naughton will describe the changes planned to improve the way different health and care organisations are working together to make sure the new models are sustainable in the future.  This will include an update on the new multi-speciality community provider (which is the subject of a report to Council on 7 September), as well as the emerging Fylde coast accountable care system and how those arrangements fit with Healthier Lancashire and South Cumbria.


Dr Tony Naughton (Clinical Chief Officer) and Mark Britton (Communications Manager) gave a presentation updating the committee about the Fylde and Wyre Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).  


Dr Naughton reminded councillors that the CCG was trying to set up a system that met the needs of the population, a system that was responsive and provided appropriate services closer to home. 


The CCG’s 2030 Vision document detailed the new models of care, which reflected the facts that 70% of the budget was spent on 30% of the population, and 50% of the budget on 3% of the population, resulting in a significant skewing of the budget. 


The 3% were people with multiple complex conditions, a very poorly group that were catered for by the Extensive Care model.  In these cases the GP practice “lent” patients to the Extensive Care Service for approximately five months on average, in order that people’s complexity of needs might be addressed.  This had resulted in a reduction in the need for accident and emergency services of 20%. 


Dr Naughton described the way in which a group of practices would come together in geographically naturally areas to improve the health and wellbeing of their neighbourhood population.  There were four such ‘neighbourhoods’ in the CCG’s area. 


There were likely to be some changes to the boundary of the CCG’s area as the Garstang and Great Eccleston practices had expressed an interest in moving into the Fylde and Wyre CCG from other adjacent CCGs. 


Several different footprints existed across Lancashire and Cumbria, reflecting the way in which services were being designed; some were localised while others such as the Healthier Lancashire and South Cumbria Sustainability and Transformation Partnership (STP) were more appropriately set up on a wider basis.


In response to questions and comments from councillors, Dr Naughton made the following points:


o   The proposed inclusion of the Garstang and Great Eccleston GP practices in the Fylde and Wyre CCG, would allow practices to consider appointing staff to specialist roles across the whole area, when that might not otherwise have been affordable or justifiable for a smaller area.

o   The Cleveleys GP practices had Blackpool post codes and would remain part of the Blackpool CCG for the foreseeable future.

o   Delayed discharges from hospital remained an area for improvement.

o   Increased streaming of A&E patients would be desirable.

o   The CCG had done a lot of work with relatively inexperienced care staff, including on end of life care.

o   The CCG was meeting its targets for mental health.  The CCG was involving practitioners at the earliest possible opportunity and had been very creative and innovative in doing so. 


The Chairman thanked Dr Naughton and Mark Britton for their presentation and contribution to the committee’s work.



Clinical Commissioning Groups task group - implementation of recommendations pdf icon PDF 113 KB

Councillor Vivien Taylor (Health and Community Engagement Portfolio Holder) and Mark Broadhurst (Service Director Health and Wellbeing) will attend the meeting to advise the committee about the implementation of the recommendations of the Clinical Commissioning Groups task group, as agreed by the Cabinet on 20 January 2016 (minute extract attached).



The committee noted that issues relating to the implementation of the task group’s recommendations had been covered by Dr Naughton’s presentation and the subsequent discussion.  In addition, Councillor Robinson met with the CCG’s Head of Communications, Engagement and Development on a regular basis and had agreed to keep councillors informed about current and projected developments. 


RESOLVED that the implementation of the task group’s recommendations be noted.



Overview and Scrutiny Work Programme 2017/18 pdf icon PDF 377 KB

The Service Director Performance and Innovation has submitted updated versions of the following documents:


a)    Engaging with children and young people task group – draft scoping document


b)    Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme 2017/18



The Chairman, Councillor Michael Vincent, updated members about the progress of the current task groups.  The Life in Wyre task group would hold their next meeting on Thursday 21 September.  The task group reviewing Digital Transformation would hold their first meeting on Wednesday 20 September, with eight councillors having expressed an interest in taking part. 


A revised scoping document for a task group to look at how the council engaged with children and young people was considered and approved by the committee. 


RESOLVED that steps be taken by the Scrutiny Officer to invite expressions of interest from non-Executive councillors and to make arrangements for a first meeting of the task group on Engaging with Children and Young People



Date and time of next meeting

Monday 9 October 2017 at 6pm.


RESOLVED that the next meeting of the committee be held at 6pm on Monday 9 October 2017 at the Civic Centre, Poulton-le-Fylde.