Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Wednesday, 20th January, 2016 6.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Poulton-Le-Fylde

Contact: Duncan Jowitt  Democratic Services and Councillor Development Officer

No. Item


Declarations of interest

Members will disclose any pecuniary and any other significant interests they may have in relation to the matters to be considered at this meeting.




Confirmation of minutes pdf icon PDF 86 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 2 December 2015.


The minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 2 December 2015 were confirmed as a correct record.



Public questions

To receive and respond to any questions from members of the public.


Public questions can be delivered in writing to Democratic Services or sent by email to: Public questions for this meeting must be received by noon on Thursday 14 January 2016. Questioners should provide their name and address and indicate to which Cabinet member the question is to be directed.


The total period of time allocated for public questions will not normally exceed 30 minutes.





Task Group Final Report - Clinical Commissioning Groups pdf icon PDF 466 KB

Report of the Chairman of the Clinical Commissioning Groups Task Group and Corporate Director of Resources


Councillor Robinson, the Chairman of the Clinical Commissioning Groups task group and the Corporate Director of Resources submitted a report to the Cabinet on the work of the Clinical Commissioning Groups task group. Councillor Robinson thanked the officers and councillors who had had an input into the work of the task group and the Leader echoed her thanks for the work that had been done.


The Health & Community Engagement Portfolio Holder affirmed that the council’s engagement team already had very strong relationships with Fylde and Wyre CCG and that in addition to sharing updates of key activities of mutual interest, the CCG contributed articles for the Wyre Voice magazine and shared relevant health information through the council’s social media channels. Fylde and Wyre CCG also provided questions for inclusion in and contributed financially to the running costs of the council’s Life in Wyre survey and would be asked if they wished to contribute to the next survey scheduled for later in 2016.


Decision taken


Cabinet agreed that


·         the council’s engagement team would explore ways in which better communication with the other three CCGs could be developed, using the work done with Fylde and Wyre CCG as an example of good practice.


·         the Health and Community Engagement Portfolio Holder would take the lead role in enhancing working relationships with the four CCGs and would provide updates on any actions that had been taken in her Executive reports to Council.


·         the Health and Community Engagement Portfolio Holder would be the nominated contact point for the four CCGs, rather than identifying separate elected members for each CCG as suggested in the recommendations of the task group, and a mechanism would be set up to ensure that pertinent information was shared to the relevant councillors. The issue of cascading information to councillors whose wards did not fall within Wyre and Fylde CCG would also be addressed.



Authorities Monitoring Report 2014 - 2015 pdf icon PDF 3 MB

Report of the Planning and Economic Development Portfolio Holder and Corporate Director of People and Places


The Planning and Economic Development Portfolio Holder and Corporate Director of People and Places submitted a report asking Cabinet to consider and recommend the content of the Authorities Monitoring Report 2014-2015. Cllr Murphy explained that, as it was a large document which would have necessitated expensive colour printing, the appendix of the report (the Authorities Monitoring Report) had been excluded from paper copies of the agenda. In lieu of the appendix, he circulated copies of his own briefing note to members of the Cabinet and Shadow Cabinet.


Councillor E Anderton asked whether there had been any further news about when work might begin on any of the unimplemented affordable housing permissions mentioned at paragraph 5.5 of the report and Councillor Murphy said he would make enquiries and let her know the outcome.


Councillor Shewan asked why permissions were not enforced to ensure that the council met its affordable housing target. Members of the Cabinet pointed out that the council only possessed authority to grant planning permission and had no additional powers to force developers to build on the land once permission had been granted.


Decision taken


Cabinet agreed that, subject to the inclusion of any minor editorial alterations, the Authorities Monitoring Report 2014-2015 as set out in Appendix 1 of the report be approved and made available for public inspection.



Capital Budget 2015/16 and Capital Programme 2016/17 onwards pdf icon PDF 922 KB

Report of the Resources Portfolio Holder and Corporate Director of Resources


The Resources Portfolio Holder and Corporate Director of Resources submitted a report asking Cabinet to agree the latest 2015/16 Capital Budget and the Capital Programme for the financial year 2016/17 onwards.


Cllr R Duffy and Cllr E Anderton asked for further information on a number of items mentioned in the appendix and the Resources Portfolio Holder and the corporate directors provided clarification.


Decision taken


Cabinet approved the report and agreed


·         the latest Capital Budget for 2015/16 and the Capital Programme for 2016/17 onwards, subject to the confirmation of disabled facilities grant at the levels assumed.


·         that the financial implications of the Capital Budget and future Capital Programme, following the third quarter review (April to end December 2015), be reflected in the draft Revenue Estimates which will be considered by Cabinet at their meeting on the 17 February 2016 and be subject to approval by Council at the meeting on the 3 March 2016.



Lancashire County Council Budget Proposals - response to consultation pdf icon PDF 121 KB

Report of the Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Corporate Director of Resources


The Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny (O&S) Committee, Councillor Michael Vincent, and the Corporate Director of Resources submitted a report to Cabinet outlining the views of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee regarding the proposals of Lancashire County Council (LCC). As Councillor Michael Vincent was not in attendance, the councillors present at the meeting acceded to the Resources Portfolio Holder’s offer to introduce the report on his behalf.


The Leader commented on the paucity of information provided by LCC and said that full details of the reserves mentioned at paragraph 4.2 and 4.8 of the report should have been made available at the time that the report had been written. His view was that those reserves could be used to continue to provide services to the elderly and vulnerable.


Cllr Shewan said that LCC had been left with no option other than to make a stark choice between continuing to provide a library service or continuing to provide services to vulnerable groups. The Leader and Deputy Leader responded that there appeared to be no political will to look at any alternatives such as volunteering and suggested that different ways of working could be considered before threatening cuts of the magnitude that LCC were proposing.


Decision taken


Cabinet approved the report and agreed that the views of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, as detailed in this report, be submitted to Lancashire County Council as Wyre Council’s contribution to stage one of the consultation on the budget proposals.