Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Wednesday, 6th September, 2023 6.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Poulton-Le-Fylde

Contact: Marianne Unwin  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


Declarations of interest

Members will disclose any pecuniary and any other significant interests they may have in relation to the matters to be considered at this meeting.




Confirmation of minutes pdf icon PDF 111 KB

To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on Wednesday 7 June 2023.


The minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 7 June 2023 were approved as a correct record.


Public questions

To receive and respond to any questions from members of the public.


Public questions for Cabinet may be submitted at any time by writing to Democratic Services or via email Public questions for this meeting must be received by noon on the Thursday before the meeting is held and do not need to specifically relate to items on this agenda. Questioners should provide their name and address and indicate to which Cabinet member the question is to be directed.


The total period of time allocated for public questions will not normally exceed 30 minutes.



None received.


Replace using Diesel with Hydro treated Vegetable Oil (HVO) Fuel for the Council's Fleet pdf icon PDF 127 KB

Report of the Leader of the Council and the Corporate Director Environment.


The Leader of the Council and the Corporate Director Environment submitted a report to seek Cabinet agreement to utilise Hydro treated Vegetable Oil (HVO) fuel to replace diesel as the primary fuel used to power diesel engine council vehicles.


Councillor Fail asked about the council's progress towards an all-electric vehicles fleet. Councillor Vincent stated that the council was still interested in moving to electric vehicles, but that there were certain difficulties to be addressed, such as cost and performance. The switch to HVO resulted in an immediate reduction in the council's carbon footprint.




Cabinet agreed:


·         To significantly reduce the use of diesel to fuel the council’s vehicle fleet and instead utilise HVO fuel, which is more expensive (generally between 30p and 45p per litre) but yields a significant reduction in the council’s carbon footprint (c30%), contributing to our net zero target.


·         To employ a hedging strategy to ensure a consistent supply of HVO fuel at an agreed price over the first twelve-month period, with the flexibility to move away from this approach delegated to the Corporate Director Environment in future years to procure when required if this is assessed to be more economical.


·         That approval is given to proceed under the exemption to Contract Procedures contained within the Financial Regulations and Financial Procedure Rules (Appendix F) on the grounds that exceptions may apply if “a framework agreement is available that necessitates the Council not having to go out to tender and the goods, works and services will still provide the Council with best value for money”. In line with this, the council would continue to utilise YPO framework number 981 to purchase the HVO product and appoint supplier Standard Oils to supply the HVO product.


·         To approve the increased cost to the non-Refuse Collection Vehicle (RCV) fleet to cover the additional cost of HVO fuel in 2023/24. In a full year the impact is estimated to result in an increased cost of £48,635 compared to diesel. Owing to the inflated diesel prices in 2022/23, the actual impact on the budget is lessened and expected to be in the region of £17,080 (to be applied pro-rata in 2023/24 based on the agreed implementation date).


·         To approve a budget in 2023/24 for the Refuse Collection Vehicle fuel, currently paid in full by Veolia, in order to subsidise the use of HVO fuel which is outside the current contract terms at an estimated cost of £75,770 per annum (to be applied pro-rata in 2023/24 based on an agreed implementation date).


·         To recommend that full Council approve the ongoing increased budget as part of the budget setting process for 2024/25 which goes to full Council in March.


Local Government Ombudsman Annual Review Letter 2023 pdf icon PDF 123 KB

Report of the Leader of the Council and the Corporate Director Resources.

Additional documents:


The Leader of the Council and the Corporate Director Resources submitted a report that considered the Annual Review letter from the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman (LGO) for 2022/23.




Cabinet noted the comments made by the LGO in the Annual Review Letter.



Extension of Public Space Protection Orders - Dog Control pdf icon PDF 142 KB

Report of the Street Scene, Parks and Open Spaces Portfolio Holder and the Corporate Director Environment.  

Additional documents:


The Street Scene, Parks and Open Spaces Portfolio Holder and the Corporate Director Environment submitted a report that summarised the consultation feedback following the review of the Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs) relating to dog controls, agree changes and to seek approval for the Legal Services Manager to make the Orders in accordance with regulations published by the Secretary of State.


Councillor Fail asked about the visibility of signage and the possibility of additional signage for more areas of green and open space. Councillor Bridge confirmed that the council would be conducting an audit on dog control signage.


Councillor Fail mentioned that there were two areas of green and open space around Waters Reach, Cleveleys which did not have signage. Councillor Bridge requested that Councillor Fail provided him with additional information regarding the two locations mentioned, and he would ask officers to investigate this matter.




Cabinet agreed:


·         To the making of the PSPOs (six control measures) as shown in Appendix A.


·         To authorise the Legal Services Manager to make minor amendments that may be necessary to ensure the PSPOs are accurate, enabling authorised officers to continue to enforce across the borough in relation to dog fouling and dog control measures.



Options for the future operation of the Council theatres - Marine Hall and Thornton Little Theatre pdf icon PDF 178 KB

Report of the Leader, the Leisure, Health and Community Engagement Portfolio Holder, the Resources Portfolio Holder and the Corporate Director Communities.


The Leader of the Council, the Leisure, Health and Community Engagement Portfolio Holder, the Resources Portfolio Holder and the Corporate Director Communities submitted a report providing members with options to consider around the future operation of Wyre Council’s theatres (Marine Hall and Thornton Little Theatre) and recommends the launch of a public consultation as part of a wider consultation for the rejuvenation of Fleetwood’s waterfront.


Councillor Fail made comments about the future of the theatres remaining owned and operated by Wyre Council. He suggested approaches such as increased funding through the Lofthouse Foundation, other revenue streams, pricing arrangements and the theatres' energy savings. Councillor Vincent proposed that Councillor Fail respond to the public consultation.




Cabinet agreed:


·         That Members note that the preferred option is to safeguard the future of Marine Hall and Thornton Little Theatre by outsourcing the operation of both theatres to suitable alterative providers.


·         That Members agree to launch a six-week public consultation around options for the future of the theatres which will be incorporated into a wider consultation exercise for the redevelopment and rejuvenation of Fleetwood’s waterfront as a prime leisure destination.


·         That the Corporate Director Communities be authorised to work with the Theatres Trust to commission an independent consultant to review Marine Hall operations and provide recommendations for the most viable future operating model and to help secure a future alternative provider. At this stage the cost of the consultants is unknown. Cabinet are therefore asked to approve an initial budget to be set aside of £20,000, funded from the Value For Money Reserve to support this work.


·         That a soft market testing exercise be commissioned for Thornton Little Theatre to test market appetite and determine if there is a suitable alternative service provider to take over the running of this asset preferably by way of a lease. Cabinet are asked to set aside £10,000 for marketing and other related costs in relation to this.