Agenda and minutes

Upgrade to CCTV network , Variation to the Wyre Hackney Carriage Tariff, Cabinet - Wednesday, 7th June, 2023 6.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Poulton-Le-Fylde

Contact: Marianne Unwin  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


Declarations of interest

Members will disclose any pecuniary and any other significant interests they may have in relation to the matters to be considered at this meeting.




Confirmation of minutes pdf icon PDF 146 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the previous meeting of Cabinet.


The minutes of the Cabinet meeting of 22 March 2023 were approved as a correct record.


Public questions

To receive and respond to any questions from members of the public.


Public questions for Cabinet may be submitted at any time by writing to Democratic Services or via email Public questions for this meeting must be received by noon on the Thursday before the meeting is held and do not need to specifically relate to items on this agenda. Questioners should provide their name and address and indicate to which Cabinet member the question is to be directed.


The total period of time allocated for public questions will not normally exceed 30 minutes.





Upgrade to CCTV network pdf icon PDF 144 KB

Report of the Neighbourhood Services and Community Safety Portfolio Holder and the Corporate Director Environment.

Additional documents:


The Neighbourhood Services and Community Safety Portfolio Holder submitted a report to seek Cabinet agreement to upgrade the council’s existing town centre CCTV network from analogue to digital IP technology, relocate the CCTV control room, make other related improvements to the service and add the scheme to the council’s 2023/24 and 2024/25 Capital Programme.


Councillor Ruth Duffy asked a question regarding the possibility of additional CCTV cameras in the borough particularly for Bold Street in Pharos Ward, Fleetwood to assist with the prevention of fly tipping and other anti-social behaviour issues.


Councillor Berry confirmed that two additional cameras were going to be installed in Fleetwood one on Lord Street and one at the Mount Pavilion Gardens. Regarding Bold Street, Councillor Berry emphasised that the street's volume of foliage had an impact on the quality of the CCTV cameras and that the council would have to manage privacy and data protection issues because the street was a residential area. Corrine Mason, Manager of Environmental Protection & Community Safety, explained the importance of the council reviewing the data and feasibility for the positioning of CCTV cameras. She added the estimated budget set out in the report does not include any contingency for additional CCTV cameras, beyond the two which Cllr Berry had mentioned, but she encouraged local areas to explore funding opportunities such as through the Police and Crime Commission which would be supported by the council.


Councillor Vincent confirmed that additional areas for CCTV could be something for future review, but highlighted the importance of other methods to assist the reduction in fly tipping in specific areas such as Bold Street, Fleetwood.




Cabinet agreed:

·         That approval is given to procure an upgrade of the existing CCTV equipment, control room and supporting transmission networks as outlined in section 5 and to give delegated authority to the Corporate Director Environment in conjunction with the Corporate Director Resources (and S.151 officer) to agree the final contractor arrangements.

·         That approval is given to add the scheme, costing an estimated £307,000, to the council’s Capital Programme for 2023/24, funded by a combination of UK Shared Prosperity funding, partner contribution/s and income from capital receipts.

·         That approval is given to waive financial regulations under the exemptions to contract procedures at 4.06/07 of the Council’s Constitution “If a framework agreement is available that necessitates the Council not having to go out to tender and the goods, works and services will still provide the Council with best value for money”.


Variation to the Wyre Hackney Carriage Tariff pdf icon PDF 126 KB

Report of the Neighbourhood Services and Community Safety Portfolio Holder and the Corporate Director Environment.

Additional documents:


The Neighbourhood Services and Community Safety Portfolio Holder submitted a report that asked the Cabinet to consider the recommendation from the Licensing Committee to revise the Hackney Carriage Table of Fares.


Councillor Vincent expressed slight concerns regarding the increase in fares. However, he acknowledged that this was requested by the taxi industry to enable them to maintain its viability in order to meet demand for taxis in the borough.




Cabinet agreed:

·         That the revised table of fares be approved and implemented from 7 July 2023, subject to the proper consideration of any responses to the public notice.

·         That the Senior Licensing Officer advertise the variation in accordance with section 65 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provision) Act 1976 (Appendix 1).