Agenda and minutes

Council - Thursday, 14th April, 2016 9.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Poulton-le-Fylde

Contact: Roy Saunders  Democratic Services and Scrutiny Manager

No. Item


Confirmation of minutes pdf icon PDF 393 KB

To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 3 March 2016.


RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 3 March 2016 be confirmed as a correct record.



Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest from any Member or Officer on any item on this Agenda.


All Members are asked to submit any declarations in writing by 9.30am on Wednesday 13 April, 2016 if possible.



1)    Councillor Jones declared an interest in agenda item 8(a) (Leader’s Executive Report) because her husband was a shareholder of the Company involved in the proposed River Wyre Barrage Project referred to in paragraph 3.1 of the report.


2)    Councillor Murphy declared an interest in agenda item 8(f) (Executive report of the Leisure and Culture Portfolio Holder) because he had recently been appointed as a Director of Fleetwood Town Football Club Community Trust which was referred to in paragraph 4.1 of the report.




To receive any announcements from the Mayor, Leader of the Council, Deputy Leader of the Council, Members of the Cabinet, a Chairman of a Committee or the Chief Executive.


The Mayor announced that the Mayor’s Charity Spring Dinner, due to be held on 29 April, had been cancelled.


The Leader of the Labour Group (Councillor R Duffy) announced that Councillor M Anderton had been appointed as the Deputy Leader of the Labour Group.  She thanked Councillor B Stephenson for his assistance in that role during the last 12 months.



Public questions or statements pdf icon PDF 130 KB

To receive any questions or statements from members of the public under Procedure Rule 9.


Any questions or statements received by the specified deadline of noon on Friday 8 April 2016 will be published and circulated separately.



The following question was submitted by Mr Frank Miller, a resident of Garstang to the Planning and Economic Development Portfolio Holder (Councillor Murphy) under Council Procedure Rule 9.


“It is clear that there is a housing shortage nationally and locally and Wyre Borough must plan for a substantial increase. I also see that many people in Wyre don’t want new housing in their own back yard, thank you! However it is inevitable that there will be major changes in Wyre. I am not arguing against housing development but on what appears to be an undemocratic way it is taking place.

Since Wyre started the process of producing a new Local Plan, and mapped land as potential development sites, there have been applications to build on land until recently seen as green field sites. My concern isn’t that development will take place, but that landowners are taking advantage of the new National Planning Policy Framework giving more freedom to develop green field sites. The result is that development across the borough is able to take place on a piece-meal basis rather than as an overall plan as it should be.

On the Wyre Borough Web Site there is a link for Current Planning Policies and it is clear that the current official Local Plan is one dated 1999 with an update for the Fleetwood-Thornton area. This Local Plan has maps showing potential development sites.

Alongside this plan the council has been obliged since 2013 to follow the National Planning Policy Framework. At the same time authorities are expected to produce Local Plans taking into account that Framework.

This Framework states in Para 17 (Core Planning Strategies) that authorities are expected to do the following: ‘Plans should be kept up?to?date, and be based on joint working and co?operation to address larger than local issues’.

There is also a series of documents named GUIDANCE ON A PLANNING APPLICATION. Annex 1 includes an answer to the question:- ‘In what circumstances might it be justifiable to refuse planning permission on the grounds of prematurity?’

The information given includes:-


a.      the development proposed is so substantial, or its cumulative effect would be so significant, that to grant permission would undermine the plan-making process by predetermining decisions about the scale, location or phasing of new development that are central to an emerging Local Plan or Neighbourhood Planning; and

b.      the emerging plan is at an advanced stage but is not yet formally part of the development plan for the area.

These references clearly suggest that Wyre Borough could refuse major applications relating to land NOT designated as development land in the 1999 Local Plan. If Wyre were to argue that there is now an EMERGING plan, so the 1999 plan is no longer applicable, then it would be possible to argue that if the proposal was substantial or significant so that it would undermine the plan-making process it could be refused.


Cllr Murphy please could you explain why therefore Wyre  ...  view the full minutes text for item 112.


Questions "On Notice" from councillors pdf icon PDF 91 KB

To receive any questions from Members of the Council to the Mayor, a member of the Cabinet or the Chairman of a Committee under Council Procedure Rule 11.1


Any questions received by the specified deadline of noon on Friday 8 April 2016 will be published and circulated separately.



The following question to the Neighbourhood Services and Community Safety Portfolio Holder (Councillor Berry) was submitted by Councillor Barrowclough under Council Procedure Rule 11.1.


"Does the portfolio holder for Neighbourhood Services and Community Safety agree with me that there needs to be greater public consultation and extensive locality suitability surveys undertaken before organisations such as the Langley House Trust purchase property in quiet residential areas for use as 'Move on' or 'Half-way houses' for offenders released from prison?


I refer to the recent acquisition of 75 Milton Street Fleetwood by the Langley House Trust who intend to use the property as 'Move on ' accommodation for offenders.


This is a mid-terraced property in a quiet residential area within close proximity to a primary school and next door-but-one to a property used by MENCAP for vulnerable adults with mental disability.


The local residents, many of whom have young children have only learned of what the property is to be used for within just over a week of its intended opening date".


Councillor Berry said that Langley House Trust had independently purchased 75 Milton Street, Fleetwood without any consultation with the Wyre Community Safety Partnership.


Appropriate and stable housing was an important part of the picture in helping to ensure offenders moved away from a life of crime and, whilst Langley Housing Trust were an established local housing provider, the Council has been disappointed that consultation with the Community Safety Partnership failed to take place.  Following notification of the purchase, representatives of the Wyre Community Safety Partnership (the Police and Wyre Council) had met to discuss the matter and contact had been made with Langley House Trust.  The Trust had stated that all tenants of the accommodation would be carefully chosen, monitored, managed and supported by local Trust staff.  They had stated that appropriate risk assessments and risk management plans would be in place at all times.


Councillor Berry said that the Council’s Head of Planning Services had indicated that planning consent would probably not have been required for a change of use of the Milton Street property, because there were less than six residents in the property.  He personally took the view that the Trust should have consulted the Council prior to using the accommodation in Milton Street and that any such proposals should have been considered with the relevant agencies and appropriate information should have been provided to local residents.  Unfortunately, none of that had taken place.  However, the facility appeared to be a good one and, if the appropriate steps had been taken, would probably have been perceived as a positive asset.


Councillor Berry said, in response to a supplementary question from Councillor Barrowclough, that he hoped such a situation would not occur again because Langley Housing Trust would no doubt learn from the current experience and would surely engage with partner organisations in the future. But, he was not in a position to give any categoric guarantees.



Executive reports

To receive reports from Cabinet Members. (In accordance with Procedure Rule 10.3 Councillors will be able to ask questions or make comments).



Leader of the Council (Councillor Gibson) pdf icon PDF 91 KB


The Leader of the Council (Councillor Gibson) submitted a report.  He said when introducing his report that he had recently met with a delegation from China about proposals for a new gas fuelled power station at Hillhouse, which he said would create a significant number of jobs.


Councillor Gibson also said, with reference to paragraph 6.1 of his report, that the Government had announced its commitment to spend £50 million on improvements to the A585 by 2020.


Councillor R Duffy welcomed the proposals following further discussions with the Teanlowe 60+ Community Group to enable that Group to continue to occupy part of the Teanlowe Day Centre, as referred to in the Resources Portfolio Holder report, she said she hoped that the Leader would also listen to the views of other local residents now objecting to plans to introduce charges for the splash pad at Fleetwood.


Councillor R Duffy also referred to a contract “extension of time claim” made against the Council and asked where any additional payment which might be required would come from, if the claim was successful.


Councillor Gibson said that he was happy with the proposals for the use of the Teanlowe Day Centre, which included provision of £4,000 rent income to the Council and an undertaking by the occupiers to pay for all costs including utilities and business rates and which would enable the Teanlowe 60+ Group to continue to occupy part of the premises.  He said it was a good deal for the users of the building and for Council Tax payers.


With regard to the Leisure Centre refurbishment contractors claim, he said that the outcome was not yet known, so he was unable to make any further comments on that issue at this time.


With regard to the Splash Pad he said that the need to introduce charges had arisen because of the pressure applied by the Labour Group to include a paddling pool as part of the facility, which had meant that recycled water could not be used and that lifeguards had to be provided.  As a consequence, it was inevitable that charges would have to be made to cover the extra costs incurred.  He also said that, if the decision was called-in, it was possible that the Splash Pad facility would not be open in time for the May Bank Holiday.


Councillor B Stephenson said that he objected to the comments made by Councillor Gibson about the possible delayed opening of the Splash Pad.  He asked the Leader if he accepted that Lancashire County Council had been subject to a cut in funding of £630 million from the Government.


Councillor Gibson said that Wyre’s Labour Group members had supported the Council Tax increase of 4% imposed by Lancashire Council, had supported the increase proposed by the Police and Crime Commissioner and had even supported a 50% increase in the precept levied by Fleetwood Town Council, but had not supported the small increase proposed for 2016/17 by Wyre Council.  He suggested that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 114a


Resources Portfolio Holder (Councillor A Vincent) pdf icon PDF 84 KB


The Resources Portfolio Holder (Councillor A Vincent) submitted a report.


Councillor A Vincent welcomed the results of the staff survey referred to in paragraph 3 of his report.  He thanked the Council’s managers for their contributions and said that they should be proud of the results achieved.


Councillor R Duffy agreed that the overall outcome of the staff survey was positive, but asked, in relation to paragraph 3.2, what measures were being put in place to address the 10% of respondents who apparently “didn’t know what they were doing”.


Councillor A Vincent said that the Council’s senior managers would be undertaking a detailed analysis of the survey results and he was sure that any concerns would be addressed and training would be provided where needed as part of the action plan which would be drawn-up.


RESOLVED that the report be noted.



Street Scene, Parks and Open Spaces Portfolio Holder (Councillor Henderson) pdf icon PDF 101 KB


The Street Scene Portfolio Holder (Councillor Henderson) submitted a report.


Councillor Henderson said in his introduction that the current take-up rate for the green waste subscription service referred to in paragraph 3.2 of his report was 57%.  He said this was an excellent achievement, which would provide an income of £450,000.  He also thanked the Street Scene officers for their work in chipping dogs, as referred to in paragraph 4.1 of his report.


Councillor T Taylor asked how many Street Scene officers were employed on dog fouling prevention and asked whether staff were now stopping dog owners to check whether their dogs had been chipped.


Councillor Henderson said that there were currently five dedicated officers dealing with dogs, although all street scene officers were able to identify and report problems.  He said that no members of the public had been stopped since the new requirements for chipping had been implemented on 6 April 2016.  He said, however, that it was very positive that over 400 dogs had been chipped during the period between 22 March and 6 April and a further 53 residents had also been advised of the new requirements.


Councillor Henderson said, in response to comments made by Councillor B Stephenson about problems caused for an 82 year old resident of Elm Street by overflowing bins from surrounding properties, that he could not comment immediately on the particular circumstances, but stressed that it was up to residents to put their bins back properly and to use them responsibly.  Landlords of rented premises also had responsibilities to ensure that their bins were stored appropriately if their properties were vacant.


RESOLVED that the report be noted.



Planning and Economic Development Portfolio Holder (Councillor Murphy) pdf icon PDF 107 KB


Planning and Economic Development Portfolio Holder


The Planning and Economic Development Portfolio Holder (Councillor Murphy) submitted a report.


Councillor Murphy said when introducing his report that the sale of the ten new beach bungalows at Fleetwood was proceeding.  Although two potential purchasers had withdrawn prior to completion, he was confident that all ten would be sold soon.


Councillor R Duffy asked what would be included in the evaluation report on the Coastal Communities Fund Scheme referred to in paragraph 2.1 of the report.  She asked, in particular, whether the evaluation would include an inspection of the extent of completion of the works at the boating lake and at the skate park, the inclusion of the beach bungalows and whether the feedback of local residents would be sought.


Councillor Murphy said that the evaluation report would be published and he was confident that the CCF funders would continue to accept that the Council had done a good job in delivering the scheme.


Councillor Lady Atkins asked when the draft Local Plan would be published.


Councillor Murphy said that there had been a couple of months delay caused by a variety of reasons but, notably, because information was still awaited from Highways England on infrastructure issues which were needed before other elements of the plan could be completed.  He said that representatives from the Department for Communities and Local Government were coming to Wyre later in the month to assess progress.  He said, however, that he remained confident that the deadline for submitting the proposed plan to the Government would be met.


RESOLVED that the report be noted.



Neighbourhood Services and Community Safety Portfolio Holder (Councillor Berry) pdf icon PDF 97 KB


The Neighbourhood Services and Community Safety Portfolio Holder (Councillor Berry) submitted a report.


There were no questions or comments on the report.


RESOLVED that the report be noted.



Leisure and Culture Portfolio Holder (Councillor Bowen) pdf icon PDF 84 KB


The Leisure and Culture Portfolio Holder (Councillor Bowen) submitted a report.


Councillor R Duffy asked why the Council had chosen to inflict extra costs on local residents by introducing charges for children to use the splash pad.  She said that a previous report had expressed support for a splash pad being provided as a free facility.  Until the recent portfolio holder report there had been no mention of charges being made for people to use the splash pad.  She said that there was no need for the high wall and gates now proposed and asked why there had been no discussion about the possible introduction of charges at a much earlier stage, if concerns about running costs had arisen.  She said that running costs could be met from other sources, but she suspected that the intention had all along been to make charges for use of the facility.  The Conservative Group were now seeking to blame the Labour Group for the facility not being open for the Bank Holiday.


Councillor Bowen said that when a water facility was first mentioned she had met with officers and been clear that the Council did not want a pool with standing water.  However, Councillor Beavers and the Paddling Pool Committee had been adamant that they wanted the former paddling pool to be replaced.  That stipulation had inevitably led to the requirement to employ lifeguards and to refill the pool with fresh water on a daily basis.  She said that the Council was not able to require the YMCA to meet those costs and the Council was not in a position to make such facilities available for nothing.


Councillor Beavers said that money had been available to provide clean recycled water to the pool but it had been spent on the beach huts instead.  She said that hundreds of Fleetwood children would be excluded from using the facility because their parents could not afford the charges.


RESOLVED that the report be noted.



Health and Community Engagement Portfolio Holder (Councillor V Taylor) pdf icon PDF 87 KB


The Health and Community Engagement Portfolio Holder (Councillor V Taylor) submitted a report.


Councillor V Taylor said that she would provide a written response to Councillor M Anderton on the percentage of taxi and private hire drivers who had undertaken the training on child sexual exploitation and safeguarding issues referred to in paragraph 4.1 of her report and when it was expected that the training would be completed.


Councillor Beavers suggested that paragraph 3.2 of the Portfolio Holder’s report was misleading because she had not been present at the event in Fleetwood on 9 March and was not therefore in a position know the aspirations and ambitions referred to.


Councillor V Taylor said that her report was not misleading and that the issues referred to in those paragraphs were very important for the Wyre area.  She welcomed the funding from the Better Care Fund for disabled facilities grants and recognised that the Council made a very significant impact by delivering such grants effectively and professionally.


Councillor V Taylor said that she whole heartedly agreed with the comments made by Councillor Michael Vincent about the importance of older people having a healthy mind and his concerns about the impact for elderly people, in particular, of the cuts to the library service being proposed by Lancashire County Council.


Councillor R Duffy said that such impacts on the health of residents of the borough was a direct consequence of the Government’s tax policies.


Councillor V Taylor said that the Council was targeting its investment to do the best for all the area’s residents.


RESOLVED that the report be noted.



Overview and Scrutiny Committee Periodic Report pdf icon PDF 109 KB

Report of the chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny committee (Cllr Michael Vincent)


The Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Councillor Michael Vincent) submitted a report on the work that had been undertaken by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee since the last periodic report had been submitted.


Councillor Michael Vincent said that there were not many task group topics outstanding on the Committee’s work programme.  He stressed that, as subjects for task group reviews should come from Councillors, ideally, from both political groups, he asked any members with ideas for possible task group topics to submit them to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for consideration for inclusion in the work programme for the coming year.


RESOLVED that the report be noted.



Treasury Management and Annual Investment Strategy and Minimum Revenue Position Policy Statement 2016/17 pdf icon PDF 195 KB

Report of the Resources Portfolio Holder (Cllr A. Vincent) and the Corporate Director of Resources


The Resources Portfolio Holder (Councillor A Vincent) and the Corporate Director of Resources submitted a report.


RESOLVED that the Treasury Management and Annual Investment Strategy and the Minimum Revenue Provision Policy Statements for 2016/17 as considered by the Cabinet on their meeting on 23 March 2016, and attached as Appendices 1 and 2 to the report, be approved.



Revised Gambling Policy Statement 2016 - 2019 pdf icon PDF 752 KB

Report of the Chairman of the Licensing Committee (Cllr Bridge) and the Service Director, Health and Wellbeing


The Chairman of the Licensing Committee (Councillor Bridge) and the Service Director Health and Wellbeing submitted a report on the recommendations of the Licensing Committee to adopt the revised Gambling Policy Statement for 2016-19.


RESOLVED that the Gambling Policy Statement for the period 2016-2019 (version 03), attached as Appendix 1 to the report, be formally adopted by the Council.



Staff Survey Results 2016 pdf icon PDF 924 KB

Report of the Resources Portfolio Holder (Cllr A Vincent) and the Corporate Director of Resources


The Resources Portfolio Holder (Councillor A Vincent) and the Corporate Director of Resources submitted a report updating the Council on the result of the staff survey exercise which had been conducted during January and February 2016.


RESOLVED that the report be noted.



Notices of Motion



