Issue - meetings

Capital Project – Improvements to King George’s Playing Field and open space including Royles Brook in Thornton, Phase Three

Meeting: 01/04/2021 - Portfolio Holder Decisions (Item 3.)

3. Capital Project – Improvements to King George’s Playing Field and open space including Royles Brook in Thornton, Phase Three pdf icon PDF 247 KB

Report of the Corporate Director Environment.


The Corporate Director Environment submitted a report seeking approval to develop and deliver improvements to King George’s Playing Field and the open space to the north including Royles Brook in

Thornton in collaboration with Wyre Rivers Trust.




The Street Scene, Parks and Open Spaces Portfolio Holder agreed


·       that the council would accept the offer of support to work in collaboration with external partners, Wyre Rivers Trust (WRT) and Lancashire Wildlife Fund (LWF) to include improvements to King George’s Playing Field and the restoration of Royles Brook; through Section 106 funding and via external funding for the project to be secured by WRT.

·       that the council’s 2021/22 Capital Programme be amended to include improvements to King George’s Playing Fields using the remaining S106 funds (£10,678) received by the council linked to the planning permission 14/00772/FULMAJ as match funding to attract third party funding by WRT. These S106 funds were previously to be fully utilised as part of Phase 2 of this project but an underspend means that they can be carried forward and allocated to Phase 3.

·       that agreements be entered into with WRT and Natural England and LWT to enable biodiversity monitoring access to the ponds for 25 years.

·       that approval be given to authorise the Corporate Director Environment to appoint consultant(s), contractor(s), supplier(s) and legal agreements in accordance with Financial Regulations and Financial Procedure Rules.