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Agenda item

Application for a new Premises Licence - Valiants Farm, Lancaster Road, Out Rawcliffe, PR3 6BL

Report of the Corporate Director Environment.


The Corporate Director Environment submitted a report to provide members of the Licensing Sub-Committee with information to assist them at a hearing to determine an application submitted under section 17 of the Licensing Act 2003 by E A Wallace Ltd for a new premises licence in respect of Valiants Farm, Lancaster Road, Out Rawcliffe, PR3 6BL.


The application as submitted was for the applicant to be authorised to provide the following licensable activities:

·       Sale of alcohol for consumption on and off the premises, between 10:00 and 23:00, Sunday to Wednesday and between 10:00 and 01:00, Thursday to Saturday and on Christmas Eve, Boxing Day, New Year’s Eve and each Sunday preceding a Bank Holiday Monday.

·       Live and recorded amplified music (indoors) between 10:00 and 23:00, Sunday to Wednesday and between 10:00 and 01:00, Thursday to Saturday and on Christmas Eve, Boxing Day, New Year’s Eve and all Sundays preceding a Bank Holiday Monday.

·       Provision of Late Night Refreshment (indoors) between the relevant hours of 23:00 and 00:00, Sunday to Wednesday, and 23:00 and 01:00, Thursday to Saturday.

·       Plays, films, performances of dance, performances similar to live or recorded music, indoor sporting events, boxing or wrestling between 10:00 and 23:00 Sunday to Wednesday and between 10:00 and 00:00 Thursday to Saturday.

·       The applicant also wished to be able to open to the public between 10:00 and 23:30, Sunday to Wednesday and between 10:00 and 01:30, Thursday to Saturday and on Christmas Eve, Boxing Day, New Year’s Eve and all Sundays preceding a Bank Holiday Monday

The matter was before the Sub-Committee because there were 17 objections to the application, relating primarily to public nuisance arising from antisocial behaviour, disturbance to local residents, noise pollution, littering and issues of public safety resulting from excess traffic in the area. 


One objector had sent apologies. The Committee considered that it was appropriate to proceed in that person’s absence.  It was satisfied that those who had made representations but did not attend had been given appropriate notice of the hearing as required by Regulations 6 and 7 of The Licensing Act 2003 (Hearings) Regulations 2005 and that there had been no other response thereto from any non-attending member of the public. The Committee noted that members of the public and a Parish Council representative were present and that it had before them the representations made. Having considered whether it was necessary to adjourn the hearing in the public interest decided, having regard to all the circumstances that it was appropriate to proceed.

Of the responsible authorities, the Fire Authority had made no objection to the application. Following meetings with the Police and Environmental Health Officers during the consultation period, the Edgar Wallace on behalf of E.A. Wallace Limited (the “Applicant”) had agreed to a number of conditions which were to be included in the operating schedule if the licence was granted.


The Applicant’s representatives were present in support of the application and its expert representative, Karl Barry spoke on its behalf stating that although the representations showed a strong depth of feeling, they did not constitute grounds to refuse the application as they were outside the scope of the Licensing Act. He confirmed that all activities were to take place indoors. He said that  the Applicant was agreeable that there should be no more than 12 occasions of late night music/dance events where the premises would remain open until midnight. The Applicant wished to provide other licensable activities.but that the proposed police condition in this respect had not been agreed. ..


He said that the police had initially raised a number of concerns and following meetings with the team representing the premises, they had produced a set of over 80 conditions to promote the licensing objectives.


PC Taylor made representations on behalf of the Police regarding the conditions.


Mr Barry, the Applicant and the prospective Premises Supervisor, Stephanie Harding then answered questions from members of the Sub-Committee and some of those who had made representations: Out Rawcliffe Parish Councillor Alison Metcalfe and Councillor Lynn Bowen, ward councillor for Hambleton and Stalmine who was a resident of Out Rawcliffe.


Nick Clayton, Environmental Health Officer was then invited to speak and he confirmed that there had been no complaints to Environmental Protection in respect of the application and that there were sufficient conditions attached to allow for the premises to be operated as a music venue provided that events were restricted to indoors only to prevent any public nuisance.


The Chairman then invited those who had made a representation to speak. Out Rawcliffe Parish Councillor Richard Beatson articulated his concerns in respect of potential nuisance, crime and disorder and public safety issues and Councillor Lynn Bowen voiced her concurrence with the concerns raised by Cllr Beatson.


Mr Clayton then read out a proposed additional condition that he had freshly composed, which was intended to ensure compliance with the limiting of the output of amplified sound at music events held at the venue. He confirmed that conditions 1 and 2 as proposed on the part of environmental health were not required.


The Police, Environmental Health, those who had made representations and the Applicant’s legal representative were each then invited to sum up their cases.


The Applicant and his team, representatives of the responsible authorities, officers representing the licensing department and members of the public were all then asked to leave the Council Chamber to enable the Sub-Committee to consider the application in private. After an extended period of discussion, the Chairman then requested that the attendees be readmitted to allow members of the Sub-Committee to ask some additional questions on issues they felt required further explanation.


PC Taylor indicated that the greatest concern of the police was music/dance type events. The other parties were asked to leave to enable the members to consider the application in private.


After the members had deliberated and reached a decision, the other parties were asked to return and the Chairman delivered that decision and the reasons for it as below.




The Committee considered that conditions 42, 44, 45 and 50 met the licensing objectives as originally proposed by the police and that a limitation on the days of operation and a reduction in the hours applied for was appropriate.


After due deliberation, the Sub-Committee agreed to grant a premises licence  for the licensable activities set out in the Annex below and subject to the conditions set out in Schedule therein and subject to the attachment of the applicable mandatory conditions.


Reasons for the Decision


The Sub-Committee noted all the information before it, including the concerns that had been raised and also that the applicant had agreed to a number of conditions to be included in the operating schedule to help to mitigate any problems.


In reaching their decision, the Sub-Committee had regard to:


  • the Council’s own Statement of Licensing Policy, in particular the following sections: 7.1 Planning 9.3 Conditions imposed at a hearing 13.1 Prevention of crime and disorder 13.3 Prevention of public nuisance 17 Need for licensed premises 5.14,
  • the Statutory Guidance issued under section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003, in particular the following sections: 1.16, 9.3, 9.4, 9.37-9.40, 9.42-9.44 and 10.8-10.10, as reproduced at Appendix 8 of the report,
  • all the representations,
  • Licensing Act 2003, Human Rights Act 1998 and Equalities Act 2010

The Committee was satisfied that the licensable activities in the Annex below and the conditions in the Schedule below were all appropriate and that the grant of a new premises licence as described below subject to the conditions and the applicable mandatory conditions was proportionate and would promote and would not undermine the licensing objectives. It considered that the limitation of days, the reduction of hours and the conditions that it imposed were all required to meet the licensing objectives and promoting and not undermining the licensing objectives


Sale of alcohol for consumption on and off the premises

Sunday to Wednesday between 10am and 11pm

Thursday to Saturday between 10am and midnight


Live and recorded amplified music (indoors only)

Sunday to Wednesday between 10am and 11pm

Thursday to Saturday between 10am and midnight


Plays, films, performances of dance, performances similar to live or recorded music, indoor sporting events, boxing or wrestling (all indoors only)

Sunday to Wednesday between 10am and 11pm

Thursday to Saturday between 10am and midnight


Provision of Late Night Refreshment (indoors)

Sunday to Wednesday between the relevant hours of 11pm and 11.30pm

Thursday to Saturday between 11pm and midnight

The premises is permitted to be open to the public

Sunday to Wednesday between 10am and 11.30pm

Thursday to Saturday between 10am and half past midnight


subject to the relevant mandatory conditions and to the conditions which are set out in the Schedule below.




Agreed by Applicant with Health and Safety Responsible Authority


The Premises Licence Holder will produce an event specific Event Safety Management Plan for each event that takes place under the authority of this licence.


Agreed by Applicant with Environmental Health Responsible Authority


General PPN conditions


1.          The designated premises supervisor or the personal licence holder for the premises who is supervising the sale or supply of alcohol at that time, shall not permit customers to congregate and consume alcohol sold or supplied by that premises in a public place within the immediate vicinity of the premises and in an area not so licensed for consumption to the annoyance or obstruction of others and shall prevent the removal of alcohol if it is intended for such a purpose.


2.          Notices will be displayed at the entrance and exits advising customers to leave quietly.


3.          The Licensee shall ensure that staff departing at night when the business has ceased trading, conduct themselves in such a manner to avoid disturbance to nearby residents.


4.          All internal doors to any entrance / exit point, fire exit doors and external windows shall be closed during hours of any regulated entertainment except in the event of an emergency, save for the purposes of access and egress.


5.          The volume of amplified sound used in connection with any regulated entertainment shall, at all times, be under the control of the Licence Holder or Management and the controlling mechanism shall be operated from a part of the premises inaccessible to the public.


6.          Noise generated from any regulated entertainment in the form of live or recorded music, mechanical ventilation and refrigeration plant shall not be audible at premises within close proximity so as to cause a public nuisance.


7.          The premises licence holder or their representatives shall ensure that the promoter sound system supplier and all individual sound engineers meet the music noise  level requirements at all times and have the means to enforce compliance on the output of amplified noise.


8.          No nuisance shall be caused by noise coming from the premises or vibration transmitted through the structure of the premises.


9.          There shall be no emission from the premises of any offensive smells, which are likely to cause a nuisance.


10.       No light from or on the premises and any other light under the control of the premises shall be provided where that light causes a nuisance to any nearby premises.


11.       Frequent collection of glasses and bottles will be undertaken to ensure that empty containers do not accumulate in or around licensed premises.


12.       Patrols will take place by members of staff, internally and externally, to limit any noise pollution when entertainment is being offered within the premises.


13.       Organised outdoor music festivals are not permitted under the terms of this licence


14.       There shall be provided at the premises containers for the storage and disposal of waste foods and other refuse from the premises. Those containers shall be constructed, maintained and located so that access to them by vermin and unauthorised persons is prevented and arrangements shall be made for the regular lawful disposal of their contents.


15.       Refuse such as bottles shall be disposed of from the premises at a time when it is not likely to cause a disturbance to residents in the vicinity of the premises.


16.       A tamper-proof noise-limiting device capable of setting limits for third octaves shall be fitted to the Sound system within the premises and all amplified music played at the premises must pass through this sound limiter at a level agreed by the Council’s Environmental Health section. The noise limiter shall not be altered without prior agreement with the Council’s Environmental Health section.

Music events/concerts

The conditions laid out below will only be applicable to Music events/Concerts being provided under the authority of this licence and will take precedence over the general prevention of public nuisance conditions.

  1. No nuisance shall be caused by noise coming from the premises or by vibration transmitted through the structure of the premises.


  1. There shall be no emission from the premises of any offensive smells, which are likely to cause a nuisance.


  1. No light from or on the premises and any other light under the control of the premises shall be provided where that light causes a nuisance to any nearby premises.


  1. No member of the audience shall be allowed within 3 metres of any loudspeaker, The sound pressure level for the front-of-house around mixer position will restrict the whole audience sound level exposure to below an event level of 107dB or C-weighted peak sound pressure levels to below 140dB.


  1. Music Noise Levels (MNL) when assessed at the prediction stage or measured during sound checks or concerts should not exceed the background noise level by more than 15 dB(A) over a fifteen minute period 1metre from the façade of any noise sensitive premises prior to 23:00.


  1. Where regulated entertainment is provided after 23:00, the music must not be audible within noise-sensitive premises with windows open in atypical manner for ventilation.


  1. The control limits set at the mixer position shall be adequate to ensure that the low frequency Music Noise Level  (MNL) in the 63Hz and 125Hz octave frequency bands  shall not cause any increase in the real time simultaneous when compared with the existing equivalent Leq(15min)(f) (63Hz and 125Hz) taken without the premises in operation. Measured not less than 1 metre from the façade of a noise sensitive premises (being premises where the occupants are likely to suffer nuisance from excessive noise), situated at least 2 km from the venue


  1. The Music noise level should be measured using an integrating-averaging sound level meter with type 2 or better of BS6698. The Background noise level should be measured using a sound level meter complying with type 2 or better of BS5969. Time weighting F (fast response)


  1. The Premises Licence Holder shall provide electronic sound limiters on the output amplifiers which can be pre-set to a given level, which level shall be reasonably determined from time to time by an authorised officer of the Licensing Authority;


  1. At least four weeks prior to any event being carried on under the authority of this premises licence, the licensee shall appoint a suitably qualified and experienced noise control consultant, to the reasonable approval of the Licensing Authority. The noise control consultant shall liaise between all parties including the Licensee, Promoter, sound system supplier, sound engineer and the licensing authority etc. on all matters relating to noise control prior to and during the event.


  1. If not already carried out, the noise control consultant shall carry out a survey to determine the background noise levels (as defined by the Code of Practice on Environmental Noise Control at Concerts) at eight locations around the venue representative of the noise sensitive premises likely to experience the largest increase in noise/highest noise level as a result of the concert. The information obtained from this survey shall be made available to the licensing authority four weeks prior to the event.


  1. The appointed noise control consultant shall continually monitor noise levels at thesound mixer position and advise the sound engineer accordingly to ensure that the noise limits are not exceeded. The Licensing Authority shall have access to the results of the noise monitoring at all times.


  1. The Premises Licence Holder or their representative shall ensure that the promoter, sound system supplier and all individual sound engineers are informed of the sound control limits and that any reasonable instructions from the noise control consultant regarding noise levels shall be implemented.


  1. Internal rehearsals and sound checks are permitted only between the hours of 08:00 and 20:00.


  1. A noise propagation test shall be undertaken at least four hours prior to any event that involves licensable activities being carried on under the authority of this premises licence in order to set appropriate control limits at the sound mixer position. The sound system shall be configured and operated in a similar manner as intended for the event. The sound source used for the test shall be similar in character to the music likely to be produced during the event.



  1. Clear, legible and conspicuous notices shall be displayed at each public exit requesting patrons to avoid causing noise, nuisance or disturbance upon leaving the premises.


  1. There will be a mobile telephone number which is designated as a number specifically for noise complaints.  The mobile telephone which corresponds with said number will be attended to by a noise co-ordinator through the duration of the event.


  1. Bins shall be placed at regular intervals along any route that patrons are likely to use for dispersal.  Said bins will be removed no later than the day after the event.


  1. There shall be links established with a taxi company to ensure that there are taxis available to take people away from the event throughout the duration of the event.


  1. Within 24 hours from the end of an event that involves licensable activities being carried on under the authority of this premises licence, any loose debris or litter on the premises or in the immediate vicinity of the premises shall have been cleared.


  1. During and after any event that involves licensable activities being carried on under the authority of this premises licence, waste will be stored in sealable pest proof containers and will be removed from the site by a suitably accredited agent.


Car/vehicle Shows

The conditions laid out below will be applicable in addition to the general Prevention of public nuisance which make part of this licence 

1A)  There shall be no nuisance caused by unnecessary usage of car horns or excessive usage of car horns.

2A)  There shall be no nuisance caused by unnecessary revving of engines or excessive engine revving.

3A ) There shall be no form of external amplification of sound. The only exemption to this condition will be the use of a PA system to deliver safety message/alerts only.

4A) During any event that involves licensable activities being carried on under the authority of this premises licence, there will be a mobile telephone number which is designated as a number specifically for noise complaints.  The mobile telephone which corresponds with said number will be attended to by a noise coordinator through the duration of the event


Conditions Agreed by the Applicant with the Police


The following conditions will apply to ALL licensable activity and ALL events (other ‘event specific’ conditions are detailed under other events):


1.     A documented Challenge 25 scheme will be operated at the premises.  The Challenge 25 scheme shall be actively promoted and advertised at the premises and will ensure that any person purchasing alcohol, who appears to be under 25 years of age, shall be asked to provide acceptable identification to prove that they are 18 years of age or over.  Failure to supply such identification will result in no sale or supply of alcohol to that person.

2.     The Proof of Age Standards Scheme (PASS) will be actively promoted at the premises by the display of Challenge 25 posters bearing the PASS logo.

3.     A PASS accredited holographic proof of age card will be the main identification document accepted at the premises as proof of age.  A PASS card must be accepted as proof of age if a purchaser possesses one.  Where a purchaser does not possess a PASS accredited proof of age card, only the following alternative forms of alternative identification will be acceptable:

(a)          Photo driving licence

(b)          Passport or

(c)         Her Majesty’s Forces Warrant Card

4.     An incident book will be maintained in which there will be recorded:

·       All incidents of crime and disorder

·       Refused sales to suspected under-age and drunken persons.

·       A record of any person asked to leave the premises.

·       Details of occasions on which the police are called to the premises.

·       A record of persons searched on suspicion that drugs are being carried and the reason for such suspicion.

The book will be available for inspection by a police officer on demand.

5.     All staff involved with the provision of alcohol will successfully complete training in age related products prior to operating a till. Refresher training will also be successfully completed not more than every 6 months, this will be fully documented and be available for inspection to police officers.

6.     All staff will be trained to refuse service to anyone who is drunk. Water will be provided where necessary to any person refused service through drink.

7.     CCTV equipment shall be installed and be maintained in good working order in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Training should be provided for staff members in the usage of the CCTV equipment. CCTV footage recorded must, as a minimum, cover each entry/exit point of the premises and be recording at all times when the premises is conducting licensable activities.

8.     The images recorded by the CCTV system shall be retained in unedited form for a period of not less than 30 days.

9.     The Data Controller will make footage available within a reasonable time to a Police Constable, where such request is made in accordance with and which satisfies the Data Protection Act 1998.

10.Appropriate signage will be on display in prominent positions on the premises informing patrons that CCTV is in use.

11. No persons under the age of 18 shall be employed on the premise in relation to the selling of alcohol.

12. No person under the age of 21 will be allowed to organise or book a private function at the premises.

13. Any persons under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.

14. There will be no adult only entertainment provided at the venue. (Adult entertainment is entertainment intended to be viewed by adults only and distinguished from family entertainment. The style of adult entertainment that normally includes sexual content qualifies as adult entertainment, including sex channels for television and pre-paid sex films for “on demand”, as well as adult movies, sex shops and strip clubs) provided at the premises.

15. A personal licence holder should be present at all times during ‘licensable activity’.

16. A copy of the premises licence and its conditions will be available for inspection at all times.

17. The licence holder will employ the services of a recognised and qualified security and stewarding company. This company will provide their own security, stewarding and crowd management plans which will form part of any EMP-event management plan.

18. The licence holder will work closely with the Security Ops Manager and implement their recommendations on security and numbers needed dependent on any given event. However a minimum of 2 SIA registered door staff must be on duty for the first 100 customers from the start of each event (each event may differ on start times) to close followed by an extra one member of door staff for each additional 100 customers or part thereof. Extra door staff may be required for larger events and are conditioned specifically under each heading.

19. All security staff and stewards will be easily identifiable and have appropriate training for their duties. A register will be maintained of all stewards and security staff employed before, during and after the Event containing their full names, date of birth, home addresses, employers, event specific identification and where appropriate their SIA registration details (see next condition). These details will be made available to Lancashire Police. 

20.A written record shall be kept on the premises by the Designated Premises Supervisor of every person employed on the premises as a door supervisor in a register kept for that purpose. That record shall contain the following details:

·         the door supervisor's name, date of birth and home address

·         his/her Security Industry Authority licence number

·         the time and date he/she starts and finishes duty

·         the time of any breaks taken whilst on duty

21. At all times that the premises is open to the public then there should be regular toilet checks conducted and documented accordingly. These checks will be done at regular intervals. The CCTV of the toilet areas will be monitored at all times.

22. The premises shall operate a zero tolerance drugs policy (zero tolerance means “this venue will not tolerate any drug use or drug dealing and will employ different pro-active measures to tackle drug use or drug dealing”) Any person found in possession of drugs, the drugs will be seized and the person detained and the Police called. Said policy will be written and will be approved by Lancashire Constabulary, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld.

23. This drugs policy shall include:

An accredited drug dog will be on-site and utilised when the premises is open to the public and being used for the licensable activity of Music events/concerts, Sporting events including boxing and football live streaming/World cup fanzones.

24.Confiscated and found drugs shall be stored, disposed, transferred in accordance with procedures agreed with the Lancashire Constabulary.

25. During any event that involves licensable activities being carried on under the authority of this premises licence, the premises will operate a search policy to deter the carrying of drugs or weapons. Said policy will be written and will be approved by Lancashire Constabulary, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld. Notices will be displayed informing patrons of the search policy at the function.

26.This search policy will include a knife arch at the point of entry and utilised  when the premises is open to the public and being used for the licensable activity of Music events/concerts, Sporting events including boxing and football live streaming/World cup fanzones.

This search will be a condition of entry:


A discrete search area will be provided. Anyone refusing a search will be denied entry to the licensed premises.


27. The organisers will employ the services of a qualified first aid provider-the numbers of staff will be in line with The HSE Event Safety (Purple) Guide.  A dedicated and clearly signed first aid point will be manned at all times that the premises are open to the public.

(The Purple Guide to Health, Safety and Welfare at Music and Other Events. The Purple Guide has been written by The Events Industry Forum in consultation with the events industry. Its aim is to help those event organisers who are duty holders to manage health and safety, particularly at large-scale music and similar events.)


28. All emergency exits and entrance / exits will be kept clear at all times.

29. No glass containers, glass bottles or cans shall be sold on the Licenced Premises. The event organiser shall take appropriate measures to prevent glass containers, glass bottles or cans being brought on to the premises by the public.

30. Any drinks alcohol or otherwise will be served in vessels made from polycarbonate, plastic or other non-glass alternative except for Beer Festivals.

31. All glass bottle beverages must be decanted into such a vessel prior to giving to the public.

32. The organisers will have in place a media manager who will be responsible for all social media updates and press releases. A hotline will be put in place. Local residents will be able to contact the organisers on the hotline on Event days for information or with concerns about public nuisance. The hotline phone number will be circulated to residents by letter and on social media in advance of any Events.

33. The organiser will employ the services of a dedicated traffic management company to undertake a survey of potential traffic impact and produce a traffic management plan that details measures to be put in place that will minimise this impact. The TMP must be approved by the WYSAG including Lancashire Highways 6 weeks prior to the Event. National guides are not sufficient for such a remote location.

34. Said Traffic Management Plan will include the use of Marshalls to assist with directing traffic on access to the site, parking and the dispersal of patrons. Suitable off-road parking should be provided for any events where the public attend in their own vehicles. Vehicle movement within the licensed premises will be limited to those which are essential and will be controlled to ensure safety of the public and staff.

35. All efforts should be made to ensure all patrons do not leave the site on foot particularly during the hours of darkness. Where any patron insists on leaving on foot then they should be given reflective safety bands. This will be managed via the entrance gate where any patron leaving will be provided with a taxi or picked up via coaches/buses. The safety of the public on the back roads in the area is paramount and there should be no pedestrians from this venue allowed on these roads.

36. During any event there shall be links established with a taxi company or companies to ensure taxis are available to take people away from the event during the licensable activity and at the conclusion of any event. Efforts should be made to ‘agree’ a service with a taxi company who can be relied upon to provide sufficient taxis to meet demand. Using local Wyre taxis on any busy weekend may not be appropriate due to the demand in the Wyre/Poulton area. The event manager should be able to provide evidence of research done and agreed service with a taxi company or companies to meet demand at any WYSAG meeting.

37. Any area used at the entrance exit for patrons waiting for taxis should have SIA door staff cover to manage the patrons and prevent any crime or disorder.

38. For each ‘event’ an Event Manager will be identified and be responsible for the overall running and management of each event. Where possible, this person will be a personal alcohol licence holder.

39. On the day of an event the event manager will hold a briefing with ALL staff including security and stewards prior to the event starting. During the event the event manager will meet with head of security and key staff at agreed intervals to identify any issues, updates and other taskings. A two-way radio system will be used to maintain communication between event organisers and steward / security management.

40.The organiser must attend at least one WYSAG meeting held prior to the Event.


41. The ESMP must be approved by the WYSAG at least one month prior to the event.  Any changes requested to be made to the ESMP after its approval by WYSAG, must be approved by Police Licensing.


The ESMP must include, but not be limited to, the following:


1.     Introduction and Event Overview including details of proposed entertainment

2.     Event Contacts

3.     Licensing Objectives - Measures to address the Licensing Objectives

4.     Organisational Structure, Roles & Responsibilities

5.     Crowd Management Plan including plans for access, egress, dispersal and evacuation

6.     Security and Stewarding Plan

7.     Alcohol Management Plan

8.     Crime Reduction Plan

9.     Capacity

10.   Fire Safety

11.   Cleansing

12.   Waste Management Plan including litter collection

13.   Communication

14.   Temporary Demountable Structures

15.   Site Safety Plan including Safety Rules

16.   Sanitary Facilities

17.   Medical and First Aid Facilities

18.   Concessions

19.   Management of Bars & sale of alcohol

20.   Power & Electrical Installations

21.   Incident and Emergency Plans including Major Incident Plan

22.   Transport Plan including the Traffic Management Plan

23.   Sound Assessment and Noise Management Plan

24.   Provision of drinking water

25.   Facilities of Disabled Persons

26.   Welfare and Lost/Found Children

27.   Drugs Policy

42.The organiser will produce a detailed, scaled draft site plan which will include, but not be limited to, all entrances and emergency exits, first aid and welfare points, fire points, temporary bars (if any), kitchens, staging, structures, marquees and sanitary provision.  The draft site plan will be discussed within WYSAG and when agreed it will form part of the ESMP.

43. The ESMP will form the framework within which the event is managed and operated - the conditions and operating procedures defined in the final version of the ESMP will be adhered to.

44. Any alterations to the running of the Event made during the time the licence is in operation must be agreed by the Event Liaison Team (ELT) which shall be appointed by WYSAG.


The following conditions are ‘event specific’ to run alongside above conditions:


Music events/concerts

  1. Events are to be ticket only and only available to customers aged 18 and over when alcohol is being served at the event.  There must be a robust management of ticket sales to ensure no one under the age of 18 is able to obtain entry and appropriate checks made on entry to the event.
  2. Tickets should be limited in line with capacity level of premises.
  3. Events will be advertised explaining exactly what the event is with start times and finish. This information will include all safety advice, drugs checks and due diligence.
  4. Extra Door Staff requirements: For any music events the organisers must risk assess these events to ensure there are extra security cover in place to carry out searches, crowd control, toilet watch and visits and ‘spotters’. The ‘spotters’ responsibility will be to monitor the movement of the crowd particularly watching for sways, surges and/or unusual crowd behaviour. In the event of that any of these occur within the crowd the ‘spotters’ will need to make immediate contact with the Premises Licence Holder or Event Organiser. They will need to then decide on the appropriate course of action.
  5. When a band is performing or DJ that is known to have a lively crowd the Event Manager and Licence Holder will ensure that there are two ‘spotters’ stationed at the main stage. There will also be extra ‘spotters’ positioned close by to monitor the crowd from the sides. 
  6. It is the responsibility of the Event Manager to liaise with the Premises Licence holder to have sufficient extra door staff in place to manage any music events.
  7. During any music events there will be in place suitable crowd barriers in front of the security pit.
  8. There will be suitable signage in place to discourage crowd surfing to the reasonable satisfaction of the responsible authorities.


Weddings/ funerals

  1. All private bookings should be risk assessed by management.  Payment should be via card only with full details taken at point of booking.  Records of the booking should be kept and any concerns passed to Police Licensing. These records should be available for inspection by Police or any other responsible authority.


Sporting events including boxing, football live streaming / World cup fanzones, fitness events


  1. Any other requirement for SIA Door Staff to be done on a risk assessment basis such as:
  2. Music Festivals, St Patrick’s Day, Bank Holidays, last Friday before Christmas known as ‘Black Eye Friday’, Any showing of major sporting events including Boxing, Football (World Cup, European Championships, Premier League), Wrestling etc,  
  3. Where there is information from Police where security is needed such as a wake, funeral or high tensions in the area and community.
  4. The manager in charge must risk assess these events and have in place sufficient SIA door staff cover to manage the premises and ensure the Licensing Objectives are being promoted.
  5. Extra door staff shall be employed as ‘spotters’ during football events to monitor the crowd for any potential for crime and disorder. 
  6. Any event involving the showing of live streaming of football/world cup fan zones all patrons are required to be seated whilst watching this event. There shall be no vertical drinking allowed. Any persons who fail to comply should be ejected.
  7. Any event involving Boxing will be professional boxing only. At no time will there be white collar boxing. At no time will the premises put on any MMA events.

Farming/ agricultural events

At no time will the premises be used for any Young Farmers events.


The following events will have the following added conditions:

  • Drive in cinema /shows
  • Family Fun days
  • Scarefest
  • Winter Wonderland
  • VW campers/ classic car shows
  • Beer Festival
  • Dance events
  • Fairs/ expos


1.     Any drinks alcohol or otherwise will be served in vessels made from polycarbonate, plastic or other non-glass alternative except for Beer Festivals.

2.     Lost children:

3.     The above events where necessary will include a dedicated lost / found child policy.

4.     Children under 16 will be issued with a 'child safety' wristband on which an adult's contact details can be written.

5.     Accompanying adults will be encouraged to fill in details and put wristband on the child.

6.     The organiser will create a dedicated welfare point which is clearly signed and manned at all times while the premises are open to the public. This point will also be indicated on any public literature and marked on any public facing maps.


Conditions by Committee (cf Police conditions)


To apply to ALL licensable activity and ALL events


  1. For events involving over 300 people, the event organiser must give at least two months’ notice to the local authority, residents and the Wyre Safety Advisory Group (WYSAG) of the proposed Event.


(imposing Police condition numbered 42 on page 11 of the second Licensing Sub-Committee Supplement as originally proposed)


  1. The licensee should contact Police Licensing and Ops Planning at least 2 months in advance to decide if an event should go through WYSAG if in doubt.


(imposing Police condition numbered 44 on page 11 of the second Licensing Sub-Committee Supplement as originally proposed*)


  1. For events involving over 300 people, the licensee must complete a full Event Safety Management Plan (ESMP) prior to each Event.


 (imposing Police condition numbered 45 on page 11 of the second Licensing Sub-Committee Supplement as originally proposed*)


  1. After each Event over 300 then a debrief will be held with WYSAG representatives. This can be provided in an email to licensing for circulation


(imposing Police condition numbered 50 on page 12 of the second Licensing Sub-Committee Supplement as originally proposed*).


  1. Licensable activities shall only be carried out under the authority of this premises licence on 12 days in any calendar year


(imposing variation of Police condition numbered 11 onpage 8 of the second Licensing Sub-Committee Supplement*)



* Words in italics are not part of the condition


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