Wyre’s Cabinet (sometimes called the
Executive) make many of the ongoing decisions about how the
council’s budget is spent. The current number of Cabinet
members is the Leader plus five portfolio holders.
Full Council elects the Leader who then
decides the number of other members of the Cabinet (the maximum is eight plus the Leader) and what their portfolios
(responsibilities) will be. The Leader also chooses which
councillor will be Deputy Leader and the other members of the
The council publishes details of all the major
Cabinet and Portfolio Holder decisions (key decisions) and any
decisions that Cabinet will take in private in the forward plan at
least 28 days beforehand. Cabinet is responsible for implementing
the budget and policy framework approved by the Full Council.
Cabinet cannot make any decisions outside the council’s
budget and policies. Cabinet meets on Wednesdays at 5pm every 4-5
weeks (approximately) and, unless it is discussing confidential
matters, members of the public are welcome to attend. Public
questions for Cabinet may be submitted at any time by email to