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Overview and Scrutiny Committee

This page lists the meetings for Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

For agendas, minutes and decisions prior to May 2015, contact Democratic Services.


Information about Overview and Scrutiny Committee

The Overview and Scrutiny Committee supports and scrutinises the work of the Cabinet and the Council. It conducts reviews and submits reports and recommendations which advise the Cabinet and the Council on its policies, budget and service delivery.


The Overview and Scrutiny Committee also monitors the decisions of the Cabinet. Any four councillors can ‘call-in’ a decision that has been made by the Executive but not yet implemented. This allows the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to consider whether the Page 1 Wyre Borough Council Constitution Summary and Explanation - Part 1 Part 1.01/2 Updated: 14/06/2018 decision is appropriate and if necessary, recommend that the Cabinet or an individual Portfolio Holder or in limited circumstances the Council reconsider the decision.


The Committee may also be asked by the Cabinet or the Council to undertake reviews or draw up responses to consultation documents.


Members of the Cabinet cannot be Members of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


Overview and Scrutiny Committee meetings are held in public. It is useful for anyone wanting to attend the meeting to contact us first via or 01253 887476.