Agenda and draft minutes

Council - Thursday, 12th September, 2024 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Centre, Poulton-le-Fylde. View directions

Contact: Marianne Unwin  Democratic Services and Scrutiny Manager (Temporary)


No. Item


Confirmation of minutes pdf icon PDF 146 KB

To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 18 April 2024 and 16 May 2024 respectively.

Additional documents:


The minutes of the Council meeting held on Thursday 18 April were approved, unanimously, by those who were in attendance.


The minutes of the Annual Council meeting held on Thursday 16 May 2024 were approved, unanimously, by those who were in attendance.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest from any Member on any item on this agenda.





To receive any announcements from the Mayor, Leader of the Council, Deputy Leader of the Council, Members of the Cabinet, a Chairman of a Committee or the Chief Executive.


The Mayor informed members about several events she attended over the summer, as well as some of her planned engagements. She encouraged members to attend events throughout the borough, particularly those leading up to Christmas.


Public questions or statements pdf icon PDF 90 KB

To receive any questions or statements from members of the public under Procedure Rule 9.1.

Additional documents:


Dr Barbara Kneale had submitted a question regarding Councillor Berry’s involvement with the LGA Coastal Special Interest Group and Coastal Group Network. Dr Barbara Kneale attended the meeting and introduced her question.


Councillor Berry responded to the question. The full response has been attached to these minutes.


Councillor Berry responded to a supplementary question from Dr Barbara Kneale regarding the environmental risks associated with a coastal landfill site such as Jameson Road. She asked whether an environmental risk assessment had been produced prior to the reopening of the Jameson Road landfill site and what plans Wyre Council had to monitor the effects of pollution. In summary, Councillor Berry confirmed that the Jameson Road site was not at present an environmental risk, however assured that the site would continue to be monitored. He explained that the Environment Agency had issued a permit to Transwaste until 2033 and climate change matters would have been considered. On a recent visit to the site, he confirmed that Transwaste had addressed the issues regarding the opening of new cells. The activities on the site would continue to be monitored by the Environment Agency and Wyre Council.


Dr Barbara Kneale expressed that her question had not been properly answered. Following further comments, the Chief Executive, Rebecca Huddleston, confirmed that a formal complaint would be responded to if received by the council.



Questions "On Notice" from councillors

To receive any questions from Members of the Council to the Mayor, a member of the Cabinet or the Chairman of a Committee under Council Procedure Rule 12.1




Executive reports

To receive reports from Cabinet Members. (In accordance with Procedure Rule 11.3 Councillors will be able to ask questions or make comments).



Leader of the Council (Councillor Vincent) pdf icon PDF 105 KB


Councillor Vincent introduced the report and provided an update regarding the future of the Lancashire Devolution Deal.


Councillor Vincent responded to a question from Councillor Fail about the future Hillhouse Technology Enterprise Zone masterplan and the emerging Economic Development and Tourism Strategy, specifically the creation of jobs. Councillor Vincent discussed the current actions being developed to increase employment at Hillhouse, such as incentives for investment into the site.


Councillor Vincent responded to a query from Councillor Cartridge on a recent Times article ranking councils based on performance. Councillor Vincent confirmed that Wyre Council was ranked 17th in the country, the highest in the north of England. He commended Clare James, Director of Finance and Governance, her finance team, and the planning department on their efforts that contributed to the ranking.


Councillor Smith questioned why the Fleetwood Festive Light Committee had received a £100 per hour usage charge to hold the ‘switch on’ event at the Marine Hall. Councillor Vincent reassured Councillor Smith that he would resolve this issue.


Councillor Vincent responded to a question from Councillor Rimmer regarding the investigation to consider whether historic contamination had occurred at Hillhouse Technology Enterprise Zone. She asked if sampling would also be taken from Over Wyre. Councillor Vincent confirmed that the Environment Agency was leading the project, and they would identify additional locations for sampling as necessary.


Councillor Vincent responded to a question from Councillor Sir Robert Atkins regarding the uncertain future of the Poulton to Fleetwood railway line as a result of the government cancellation of funding and the impact of this on the economic development of the Hillhouse Technology Enterprise Zone.


Councillor Vincent responded to a question from Councillor Minto regarding the investment into the Hillhouse Technology Enterprise Zone.


Councillor Belshaw commented that the Poulton to Fleetwood railway line remained under review.


The report was noted.


Resources Portfolio Holder (Councillor McKay) pdf icon PDF 95 KB


Councillor McKay introduced her report.


The report was noted.


Street Scene, Parks and Open Spaces Portfolio Holder (Councillor Bridge) pdf icon PDF 119 KB


Councillor Bridge introduced his report.


Councillor Fail asked a question regarding the Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) figures over the past year. He was particularly concerned with the dog fouling offence numbers compared to the FPNs issued. Councillor Bridge explained that the that enforcement approach had been working resulting in cleaner streets.


Councillor Bridge responded to Councillor Blair's question on data collection based on demographics.


The report was noted.


Planning Policy and Economic Development Portfolio Holder (Councillor Le Marinel) pdf icon PDF 97 KB


In the absence of Councillor Le Marinel, Councillor Vincent introduced the report.


Councillor Vincent responded to several questions from Councillors Minto, Leigh and Rimmer regarding the impact on planning and development as a result of the Labour Government’s proposed planning reforms. The following matters were discussed:

              The increase in the housing need figure in Wyre;

              The potential for neighbouring authorities to allocate housing in Wyre in order to meet their own targets;

              The impact of increased development on rural communities;

              The multiple options required as a result of the new proposed Standard Method.


Councillor Vincent responded to comments from Councillor Fail about the government’s on going planning reform consultation and the need for the Poulton to Fleetwood railway line to be a key factor in the development of the new Hillhouse Technology Enterprise Zone Masterplan.


The report was noted.


Neighbourhood Services and Community Safety Portfolio Holder (Councillor Berry) pdf icon PDF 110 KB


Councillor Berry introduced his report. He raised members attention to a recent fund opened by the Lancashire Police and Crime Commissioner. The Community Fund would support short term intervention projects that have a specific focus on preventing crime and anti-social behaviour. The deadline for applications was Monday 23 September 2024.


Councillor Martin described a recent incident involving a removed barrier, which allowed unauthorised individuals to enter a Wyre car park on Cleveleys promenade. Councillor Berry said that matter would be investigated by the appropriate officers.


Councillor Berry responded to a question from Councillor Swatton regarding Jameson Road Landfill site and the council’s duty for monitoring under statutory duty legislation. 


Councillor Belshaw asked a question regarding on street parking, Councillor Berry confirmed that this question should be directed to Lancashire County Council as the appropriate body.


Regarding the Jameson Road Landfill Site, Councillor Fail questioned Councillor Berry if Wyre Council, the landowner, had conducted an environmental impact assessment. Councillor Berry stated that this question should be directed to the Environment Agency.


The report was noted.


Leisure, Health and Community Engagement Portfolio Holder (Councillor Bowen) pdf icon PDF 110 KB


Councillor Bowen introduced her report.


Councillor Smith thanked the staff who supported Fleetwood Town Council during the D Day celebrations on Memorial Park, Fleetwood. Councillor Bowen supported these thanks.


Councillor Bowen responded to a question from Councillor Cartridge regarding malpractice in the funeral industry. Councillor Bowen reassured members that officers had reviewed each funeral directors in Wyre and confirmed that there were no incidents of malpractice.


Councillor Lady Dulcie Atkins welcomed the proposed plans to refurbish the skate ramps at Garstang Skate Park.


Councillor Rushforth thanked the Leisure, Healthy Lifestyles & Communities team for their work with the Hope Community Care Hub to launch a School Holiday Lunch Scheme.


Councillor Birch congratulated the council on the Wanderland Event held at Cottam Hall, Poulton-le-Fylde.


The report was noted.


Treasury Management Outturn report pdf icon PDF 212 KB

Report of Councillor McKay, Resources Portfolio Holder and Clare James, Director of Finance and Governance (Section 151 Officer).


Councillor McKay introduced the report.


The Annual report on Treasury Management Activity for the 2023/24 financial year was approved, unanimously.


Appointments to Committees and Lead Member roles pdf icon PDF 119 KB

Report of Councillor Michael Vincent, Leader of the Council and Rebecca Huddleston, Chief Executive.


Councillor Vincent introduced the report.


It was approved, unanimously:


·         That Councillor Steve Livesey of the Conservative Group be appointed to the Audit and Standards Committee in place of Councillor Higgs of Reform UK.


·         That Councillor Andrea Kay of the Conservative Group be appointed to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee in place of Councillor Higgs of Reform UK.


·         That Councillor Andrea Kay of the Conservative Group be appointed to the Planning Committee in place of Councillor Higgs of Reform UK.


·         That the appointment of Councillor Andrea Kay of the Conservative Group as the Lead Member for Children and Young People in place of Councillor Callum Baxter be noted.


The process for appointing the Mayor pdf icon PDF 108 KB

Report of Councillor Michael Vincent, Leader of the Council and Rebecca Huddleston, Chief Executive.

Additional documents:


Councillor Vincent introduced the report.


In response to comments made by Councillor Brian Stephenson, Councillor Vincent confirmed that the selection of the Mayor was not a political matter and that there would be no whip with regards to voting.


It was agreed, unanimously, that a revised process for appointing the Mayor as set out in section 5 of the report be approved.


Constitution amendments pdf icon PDF 124 KB

Report of Councillor Michael Vincent, Leader of the Council and Joanne Billington, Assistant Director of Governance and Legal (Monitoring Officer).

Additional documents:


Councillor Vincent introduced the report.


It was approved, unanimously:


·         That Part 2.04 Article 4 be amended to reflect changes in the policy framework as set out in Appendix 1.


·         That Part 2.09 Article 9 be amended to confirm that the Licensing Committee is constituted under the relevant legislation as set out in Appendix 2.


·         That Part 4.01 be amended to include a number of changes to Procedure Rule 13 as set out in Appendix 3.


·         That Part 4.05 be amended to include a number of changes to Procedure Rule 16 (Call-in of Executive Decisions) as set out in Appendix 4.


·         That Part 5.05 amended to include a number of changes to the guidance on gifts and hospitality as set out in Appendix 5.


·         That Parts 7.01 and 7.02 be amended to reflect changes in the Council’s Senior Management Structure and to reflect the current Executive and Non-Executive officer delegations as set out in Appendix 6.


LGA Corporate Peer Challenge pdf icon PDF 111 KB

Report of Councillor Michael Vincent, Leader of the Council and Rebecca Huddleston, Chief Executive.

Additional documents:


Councillor Vincent introduced the report.


Following discussions, the report was noted.


Climate Change Strategy and Action Plans 2024 - 2035 pdf icon PDF 119 KB

Report of Councillor Michael Vincent, Leader of the Council and Rebecca Huddleston, Chief Executive.

Additional documents:


Councillor Vincent introduced the report. He thanked Sammy Gray, the Climate Change and Environmental Projects Officer for her work on such a comprehensive strategy and action plan.


Councillor Vincent responded to a question from Councillor Rushforth regarding housing development within coastal areas.


Councillor Rimmer welcomed the report and gave praise to the work regarding improved air quality.


Following discussions, it was agreed, unanimously, that the Climate Change Strategy and Action Plans 2024 - 2035 as set out in Appendix A be approved.


Periodic Report - Climate Change Lead Member pdf icon PDF 113 KB

Report of Councillor Sir Robert Atkins, Lead Member for Climate Change.


Councillor Sir Robert Atkins introduced the report.


The report was noted.


Notices of Motion pdf icon PDF 94 KB

The Chief Executive has received the following Motions on Notice under Procedure Rule 15 of the Council Procedure Rules.


Motion one – regarding Winter Fuel Allowance submitted by Councillors Berry, Vincent, Bridge and Amos.


Motion two – regarding Planning submitted by Councillors Vincent, Cartridge, Bowen and McKay.


The Motions on Notice can be read in full at page 309 of the agenda.


Councillors Berry, Vincent, Bridge and Amos submitted a Notice of Motion, under paragraph 14 of the Council Procedure Rules, on the proposed changes to the Winter Fuel Allowance, as set out under agenda item 15.


Councillor Berry introduced the motion.


Councillor Fail proposed and Councillor Belshaw seconded an amendment to delete and insert words to the motion. The amendment was as follows:


“This Council disagrees with the proposal by the Government to introduce means testing of Winter Fuel Payments without first completing a full impact assessment.


The current proposal risks placing many Wyre pensioners into fuel poverty and causing them significant financial hardship.


This Council calls on the Leader of the Council, Leader of the Opposition, and the Leader of the Independents to write to the Chancellor urging a full impact assessment be undertaken allowing a reconsideration of the proposal, ensuring every pensioner deemed to be in poverty retains their WFP.


This is to ensure that vulnerable pensioners, particularly those that do not claim pension credit, are protected from financial hardship. This Council notes that many pensioners eligible for pension credit do not apply for it and will lose their entitlement to a Winter Fuel Payment as a result. Therefore, we resolve to undertake an awareness campaign to encourage residents in Wyre to check their eligibility to Pension Credit and claim where appropriate.”


The Chief Executive, Rebecca Huddleston confirmed this was a valid amendment.


Following debate, the Labour Group amendment was lost (by 11 votes to 28).


It was noted that the motion would be slightly altered owing to an administrative error to replace the word “availability” with “eligibility”.


The motion, including the agreed alteration, was then approved (by 37 votes, to 0 with 1 abstention).


Councillors Vincent, Cartridge, Bowen and McKay submitted a second Notice of Motion, under paragraph 14 of the Council Procedure Rules, on the proposed reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), as set out under agenda item 15.


Councillor Vincent introduced the motion.


Councillor Fail proposed and Councillor Brain Stephenson seconded an amendment to delete and insert words to the motion. The amendment was as follows:


“This Council requests the Chief Exec, on behalf of the Council, to formally respond to the Government’s ongoing planning consultation in order to reflect the Council’s wish for the standard method of calculating the mandatory housing requirement to be fundamentally changed.


It does so based on the possibility that under current proposals Wyre’s allocation may rise to a minimum of 637 dwellings per annum, which would result in a 25% increase in Wyre’s population if this persisted over the 20-year term of a Local Plan.


This council acknowledges the need for new housing and the Planning Committee and Planning Policy Group will, of course, remain open to listening to all arguments on all future matters that come to committee, but such an increase in housing requirement would be unworkable and would likely place too high a burden on public services and infrastructure in Wyre.


It is requested that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 14.