Venue: Remote Access
Contact: Democratic Services Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of interest To receive any declarations of interest from any members or officers on any item on this agenda. Minutes: None. |
Emergency Powers Provisions for Audit Committee PDF 187 KB On 22nd April 2020 Cabinet, in consultation with opposition leaders, noted the adoption of temporary emergency measures for executive and certain non-executive decisions to be delegated to officers using emergency powers that were invoked due to the Chief Executive declaring a major incident in Wyre.
The attached report shows the steps that will be followed for items and decisions that would have normally been considered by the Audit Committee. Minutes: Agreed that the Emergency Powers Provisions for Audit Committee Report, be noted |
Review of Effectiveness of Internal Audit PDF 149 KB Report of the Head of Governance. Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of Governance submitted a report on the annual review of the effectiveness of the Council’s system of internal audit, as required by the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015.
She confirmed that there had been a few changes to the layout and wording but that the substance of the report was similar to the annual review reissued in 2019.
Councillor McKay, Head of Governance and Corporate Director Resources discussed the report, including the views shared, electronically, by Councillor Moon regarding the length of the document, abbreviations and duplications. The Head of Governance stated that she had provided Councillor Moon with a direct response and would look at the issues raised at the next annual review in 2021.
After discussion, the Corporate Director Resources (and Section 151 Officer) agreed that the results of the May 2020 review of the effectiveness of Internal Audit, as detailed in Appendix 1 of the report, be noted. |
Internal Audit Annual Report 2019/20 PDF 702 KB Report of the Head of Governance. Minutes: The Head of Governance submitted a report on the Internal Audit Annual Report which provided information on internal audit work carried out during 2019/20 and enabled a chance to review the progress in relation to risk management activity, as required by the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015.
She confirmed that there had been issues with the completion of the 17 audit reports and that only 8 had been completed. The Head of Governance, however, stated that she was happy that the controls in place were adequate but there needed to be recognition to the fact that coverage had been limited. She planned to look at those reports missed and bring to the next Audit Committee.
Councillor McKay, Head of Governance and Corporate Director Resources discussed the report, including the views shared, electronically, by Councillor Moon regarding Fleetwood Ferry. The Head of Governance stated that she had provided Councillor Moon with a direct response regarding his concerns.
There was also discussion around the current progress made at Marine Hall and the possible impact of Covid-19.
After discussion, the Corporate Director Resources (and Section 151 Officer) agreed the Internal Audit Annual Report attached at Appendix 1, the Risk Management Progress Report at Appendix 2 and the Strategic Risk Review at Appendix 3 be noted.
Annual Governance Statement 2019/20 PDF 350 KB Report of the Head of Governance. Minutes: The Head of Governance submitted a report on the submitted a report on the draft Annual Governance Statement 2019/20.
She confirmed that the draft statement would be added to the Statement of Accounts and that all key officers had seen and had chance to comment on the document.
Councillor McKay, the Head of Governance and the Corporate Director Resources discussed the report.
After discussion, the Corporate Director Resources (and Section 151 Officer) agreed the draft Annual Governance Statement 2019/20, which incorporated the council’s Code of Corporate Governance, be formally approved.
Risk Management Policy: Annual Review PDF 357 KB Report of the Head of Governance. Minutes: The Head of Governance submitted a report on the annual review of the council’s risk management policy.
She confirmed that there had been slight amendments to the policy which reflected the changes of directors and Section 151 role.
Councillor McKay, the Head of Governance and the Corporate Director Resources discussed the report.
After discussion, the Corporate Director Resources (and Section 151 Officer) agreed the Risk Management Policy attached at Appendix 1 of the report, be approved.