Agenda and decisions

URGENT: Tiling/Grouting Repairs for Fleetwood and Poulton Swimming Pools, Portfolio Holder Decisions - Thursday, 5th December, 2024 12.00 pm

Contact: George Ratcliffe  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


Tiling/Grouting Repairs for Fleetwood and Poulton Swimming Pools pdf icon PDF 127 KB

Report of the Director of Communities.


The Director of Communities has submitted a report to seek approval to carry out emergency repairs to the swimming pools at Fleetwood and Poulton at a cost of £62,326 to be funded from the Leisure Management Reserve.




The Resources Portfolio Holder and the Leisure, Health and Community Engagement Portfolio Holder agreed:


·       That approval is given to allocate £62,326 for the repairs and associated professional fees to make repairs to the tiling and grouting at Fleetwood and Poulton swimming pools funded by the Leisure Management Reserve.


·       That approval be given to award Lancashire Tiling Company the contract to carry out swimming pool works at Fleetwood and Poulton swimming pools to a value of £50,036.


·       That approval is given to waive the Council’s Financial Regulations and Financial Procedural Rules; Part 4.06.07 Financial Procedural Rules for the contract award to Lancashire Tiling Company; owing to the procurement falling into the following category: “the goods, works or services constitute an extension or variation of an existing contract or are required urgently”.