Contact: George Ratcliffe Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Capital Projects - Improvements to Hawthorne Park, Thornton Report of the Assistant Director of Environmental Services. Decision: The Assistant Director of Environmental Services submitted a report to seek approval for improvements to the playground on Hawthorne Park, Thornton, using funds totalling £90,000 as detailed below:
· Lancashire Environmental Fund (grant) £40,000 · Hawthorne Park Trust (fundraising) £10,000 · Wyre Community Lottery (award) £10,000 · Wyre Parks Improvements Fund (reserve) £30,000
and for the scheme to be added to the 2024/25 Capital Programme.
The Street Scene, Parks and Open Spaces Portfolio Holder agreed:
· That approval is given to use the various funding contributions totalling £90,000 to enhance the current play offer on site.
· That the council’s 2024/25 Capital Programme be amended to include the addition of new equipment to the playground on Hawthorne Park, Thornton.
· To grant approval for the council to act as lead project manager for the project, including administering the funding, procuring equipment and overseeing the works and installation of equipment.
· That approval is given to amend the council’s annual maintenance and inspection programme for children’s playgrounds to include this new equipment and manage future upkeep within existing revenue budgets. |