Agenda and decisions

Flood and Coast Resilience Innovative Programme – Our Future Coast Development, Portfolio Holder Decisions - Thursday, 21st November, 2024 12.00 pm

Contact: Marianne Unwin  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


Flood and Coast Resilience Innovative Programme - Our Future Coast Development pdf icon PDF 130 KB

Report of the Director of Environment.

Additional documents:


The Director of Environment has submitted a report to seek approval to procure services from a number of consultants and organisations in order to progress packages of work which are part of the Our Future Coast (OFC) programme funded through the Flood and Coastal Resilience Innovative Programme (FRCRIP). Also, to seek approval in Wyre Council’s role as accountable body for OFC to request approval to transfer contingency funding into a capital delivery budget to enable land acquisition and the extensions of a nature based capital works project, which meets the requirements of the FCRIP.




The Resources Portfolio Holder and the Neighbourhood Services and Community Safety Portfolio Holder agreed:


  • That approval is given to appoint consultants as set out below: under the exemption to Contract Procedures contained within the Financial Regulations and Financial Procedure Rules, on the grounds that: “There is no genuine competition for the goods, works or services being procured”.


  • V. Holden as a consultant to support the delivery of WP3 monitoring and evaluation.


  • The University of Lancaster through contract to provide an Adaptation Pathways for Communities study as part of the delivery of WP4 Adaptation Pathways and WP1 Engagement and Communications.


  • The Land and Water Group through the Environment Agency Asset Operation Management Response framework Lot 3 for the production of necessary design, licences and approvals to allow preferential use of dredged material to create saltmarshes in the Fleetwood Dock area. with funding through the Restoring Meadow, Marsh and Reef (ReMeMaRe) project.


  • That approval is given to reallocate £1,500,000 OFC contingency budget into a capital delivery budget for the acquisition of a land and nature-based solution through project partners Lancashire Wildlife Trust.