Agenda and decisions

Acquisition of a new property management system, Portfolio Holder Decisions - Thursday, 24th October, 2024 12.00 pm

Contact: Marianne Unwin  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


Acquisition of a new property management system pdf icon PDF 114 KB

Report of the Assistant Director of Property and Development Projects.


The Assistant Director of Property and Development Projects submitted a report to seek approval for a new property management system to replace the existing one (Tech Forge) which is no longer supported.




The Resources Portfolio Holder agreed:


·       That approval is given to purchase the Civica Property Management system on an initial three-year contract at a cost of £78,896 (estimated cost in year one is £54,032, year two is £12,432 and year three is £12,432). This represents a 22% reduction on the original quotation received. A 10% contingency is proposed to allow for any unforeseen issues with the implementation of the system bringing the total estimated cost to £86,786. The current budget for the existing system is £3,390 per annum. Therefore, the additional requirement is £76,616 over the three years. This will be met from the Value for Money reserve, pending a review in two years’ time to assess the potential for consolidating with other systems such as finance.


·       That approval is given to waive the Council’s Financial Regulations and Financial Procedural Rules; Part 4.06.07 Financial Procedural Rules; owing to the procurement falling into the following category: “the goods, works or services constitute an extension or variation of an existing contract or are required urgently”.