Agenda and decisions

Capital Project – Purchase of Vehicles and Containers in support of Food Waste Collections, Portfolio Holder Decisions - Thursday, 10th October, 2024 12.00 pm

Contact: Marianne Unwin  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


Capital Project - Purchase of Vehicles and Containers in support of Food Waste Collections pdf icon PDF 119 KB

Report of the Assistant Director of Environmental Services.


The Assistant Director of Environmental Services submitted a report to note New Burdens funding provided by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) of £1,296,715 and for the monies to be added to the 2025/26 Capital Programme. Also, to set out the procurement approach for the purchase of vehicles, containers and service provider in support of the introduction of a household food waste collection service.




The Street Scene, Parks and Open Spaces Portfolio Holder agreed:


·       That approval is given to include a new scheme in the capital programme for 2025/26 for the capital costs associated with the introduction of a household food waste collection service for which the council has received a grant allocation from Defra of £1,296,715.


·       To note the council’s procurement approach to the purchase of vehicles, containers and service provider in support of food waste collections.