Contact: Duncan Jowitt Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Report of the Resources Portfolio Holder and the Planning Policy and Economic Development Portfolio Holder.
Additional documents: Decision: The Corporate Director Communities submitted a report to the Resources Portfolio Holder and the Planning Policy & Economic Development Portfolio Holder seeking approval to implement the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) Programme.
The portfolio holders agreed
1. that the council accept the funding of £3,949,132 from HM Government (which includes £20,000 for preparing the Investment Plan) and make these funds available for agreed activities within the borough, in accordance with the approved Investment Plan. See Appendix 1, UKSPF Expenditure Profile Summary. The allocation would be split over three financial years as follows: 2022/23 £496,836 (includes £20,000 Investment Plan), 2023/24 £953,673 and 2024/25 £2,498,623.
2. that the council be responsible for the administration and management of the programme, the assessment and determination of the allocations and the payment of grants. The S.151 Officer will oversee the fund, making sure that plans are deliverable and taking responsibility, within the delegated delivery model, for their effective delivery. The S.151 Officer must also approve all changes and use of the UKSPF in line with the overall grant conditions.
3. that approval be given to authorise the Corporate Director Communities, in conjunction with the S.151 Officer, to approve grants to external bodies in line with UKSPF, Cabinet Office guidance and in accordance with the council’s Financial Regulations, Financial Procedure Rules and Procurement Regulations up to a value of £100,000 and to enter into suitable Grant Funding Agreements.
4. that the Resources Portfolio Holder delegate authority to the Corporate Director Communities, in conjunction with the S.151 Officer, to allow for the appointment of consultants, under the exemption to Contract Procedures contained within the Financial Regulations and Financial Procedure Rules, on the grounds that a framework agreement is available that necessitates the council not having to go out to tender and the goods, works and services will still provide the council with best value for money.
5. that the Revenue and Capital budgets in the three years from 2022/23 to 2024/25 be updated to reflect the spend profiles in the approved Investment Plan.
6. The Investment Plan is subject to change as project viability is continually reassessed and the Resources Portfolio Holder agreed to delegate authority to the Corporate Director Communities, in conjunction with the S.151 Officer, to amend the Investment Plan provided the changes are in line with the UKSPF requirements which includes a minimum capital spend each year.