Agenda and draft minutes

Employment and Appeals Committee - Monday, 29th July, 2024 6.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 2 - Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: George Ratcliffe  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


Election of Chair 2024/25


Agreed that Councillor John Ibison be appointed Chair of the Employment and Appeals Committee for the municipal year 2024/25.


Election of Vice-Chair 2024/25


Agreed that Councillor Colette Birch be appointed Vice Chair of the Employment and Appeals Committee for the municipal year 2024/25.



Declarations of interest

Members will disclose any pecuniary and any other significant interests they may have in relation to the matters to be considered at this meeting.




Confirmation of minutes pdf icon PDF 96 KB

To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting of the Employment and Appeals Committee held on 19 February 2024.


The minutes of the meeting of the Employment and Appeals Committee held on Monday 19 February 2024 were confirmed as a correct record by those who were in attendance.


Policy Review pdf icon PDF 110 KB

Report of the Human Resources and Organisational Development Manager to present to the Employment and Appeals Committee additions and amendments to Human Resource Policies.


The Human Resources Manager, Jane Collier, submitted a report presenting eight policies and procedures that had been amended.


Jane introduced the report and provided members with a brief overview of the policies.


Managing Restructures and Changes of Terms and Conditions pdf icon PDF 4 MB


Jane introduced the policy and explained that it had been updated at section 5.5 to reflect changes in legislation from 6 April 2024. She confirmed that the other amendments made throughout this policy were minor.


Working Carers Policy pdf icon PDF 4 MB


Jane introduced the policy and explained that it had been updated at section 8 to reflect changes in legislation from 6 April 2024. She highlighted that carer’s leave was now available.



Volunteer Policy pdf icon PDF 4 MB


Jane introduced this policy and explained that there had been minor amendments made throughout this policy.


Leave and Work Life Balance Policy pdf icon PDF 4 MB


Jane introduced this policy and explained that it had been updated at sections 4 and 5 to reflect changes to maternity, paternity and adoption leave. She highlighted that the number of days compassionate leave staff would be given had been clarified at section 7.2. She confirmed that the Christmas TOIL given by the Corporate Management Team (CMT) had been added at section 8.15.


Jane clarified that the standard compassionate leave for the bereavement of a close family member was up to 6 days. Additional days, up to a maximum of 10 days would be granted only in special circumstances. All compassionate leave was authorised by herself to ensure consistent approach across the council.


Members raised concerns over the number of compassionate leave days.


Jane responded to a question regarding a cross comparison with other councils. She added that many councils provided the same number of compassionate leave days.


It was agreed that this policy would be taken back to CMT to review and then brought back to the next Employment and Appeals meeting.


Flexible Working Policy and Application Procedure pdf icon PDF 4 MB


Jane introduced the policy and explained that it had been updated to reflect changes in legislation from 6 April 2024. She highlighted that this allowed employees the right to submit a flexible working request from their first day of employment.


Redundancy Policy pdf icon PDF 4 MB


Jane introduced this policy and explained that it had been updated to mention the new protections for certain employees detailed further in the Managing Restructures and Changes to Terms and Conditions Policy. She confirmed that an explanation regarding the release of pension benefits had been added at section 10. She highlighted that an additional paragraph had been added at section 11.2 to set out that anyone made redundant would not be considered for re-employment within a 12-month period.


Purchase of Additional Leave Policy pdf icon PDF 4 MB


Jane introduced this policy and explained that it was reviewed at the last Employment Appeals in February this year but had been brought back to make staff aware of how the scheme would impact on their pension contributions and pension benefit. She confirmed that the reduction in basic salary through the salary sacrifice scheme would also reduce pension contributions and as such would affect the amount of CARE Pension benefit accumulated during the period of the salary sacrifice arrangement.


Maternity, Paternity and Adoption Policy pdf icon PDF 4 MB


Jane introduced this policy and explained that it had been updated to reflect changes as also included in the Leave and Worklife Balance Policy. She confirmed that there had been amendments to sections 4.6 and 8.2.1 regarding miscarriages and statutory paternity leave.


Jane responded to a question regarding a miscarriage and whether a father could take two weeks paternity leave as well as bereavement leave. She replied yes as they were two separate leaves. She confirmed that it was not currently in the policy but it could be brought back to the next Employment and Appeals meeting.



Decision taken


After further discussions, the committee approved each of the following Human Resources policies and arrangements:


·       Managing Restructures and Changes to Terms and Conditions

·       Working Carers Policy

·       Volunteer Policy

·       Flexible Working Policy

·       Redundancy Policy

·       Purchase of Additional Annual Leave Policy

·       The Maternity Paternity and Adoption Leave Policy