Venue: Remote Access
Contact: Duncan Jowitt Democratic Services and Councillor Development Officer
No. | Item |
Emergency arrangements resulting from the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic PDF 117 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Leader of the Council, Cllr David Henderson, and the Chief Executive, Garry Payne submitted a report seeking agreement that executive decisions and certain non-executive decisions can be delegated to officers using emergency powers invoked during a major incident, namely the coronavirus pandemic.
Decisions taken
The following recommendations were approved:
1. That the Chief Executive’s decision to declare a major incident for Wyre under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 and invoke the powers under this legislation and those in cases of emergency or disaster, as referred to in the Council’s Constitution in Part 7.02/2 paragraph 5 be noted.
2. That the delegations set out in paragraphs 5.1 of the report be approved until 30 September 2020 at which point a further review will be carried out by the Leader and the Chief Executive unless otherwise reviewed early.
3. That the steps taken by the Chief Executive at 5.2 regarding non-Executive decision-making be noted.
4. That recommendations 3.1-3.4 be noted and Cllr David Henderson, Leader of the Council notes paragraphs 5.2.1-5.2.6
5. That the emergency standing orders be amended to reflect the Remote Meetings Protocol and Procedure Rules as drafted by the Lawyers in Local Government (LLG) and Association of Democratic Services Officers (ADSO) at Appendix 1.